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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

The Three Tenses: Past, Present and Future

• Greg Boyd

When we are thinking clearly, the Christian life is one of gratitude. We remember the good things that God has done, we are grateful for the faithfulness of God today, and we trust in the fulfillment of promises God has made about the future. Greg described healthy ways to think about the past, present and future.

Doing 1 Chronicles 29

• Greg Boyd

Did you know that King David had to lead a fundraising campaign in order to build a temple for the Lord? Greg showed us what we can learn from this for our own church building projects today.

Biblical Principles of Stewardship

• Greg Boyd

It may surprise you to know that greed is actually the sin spoken of most frequently in the Bible. We rarely hear this from the pulpit because we are all so guilty of this in America. Greg addressed this serious spiritual problem that we face as Americans and discussed how stewardship is one aspect of discipleship that many Christians struggle with.

Voodoo American Style

• Greg Boyd

We have all heard that “to whom much is given, much is required.” Greg called us to take this text more seriously as we consider our own blessings in a global context.

Honey, Want to Buy a House?

• Greg Boyd

As Christians, we often think about the very few things that we disagree about, rather than focus on the many things we have in common. Greg challenged the church to tear this wall down, along with many others.

Tearing Down the Walls

• Greg Boyd

Christ is the great reconciler! By Christ’s life, death and resurrection, all the walls that divide people from each other and people from God must be brought down. Greg called the church to get serious about tearing down walls!

The Unchanging Rock in Heraclitus River

• Greg Boyd

When you feel shaken by the chaos of life, remember the new identity you have in Christ. Greg spoke a word of hope for the world, the hope that trusts in the coming Kingdom of God.

The Lord’s Loving Discipline

• Greg Boyd

Rarely do we hear sermons about God disciplining us today, but God promises to do this. Greg considered what it means that God uses suffering to discipline us.

Only One Thing Is Needed

• Greg Boyd

Capitalism works by convincing people that they need things that they don’t already have. Greg addressed this issue and suggested what we can do for our spiritual health AND for a more just society.
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"I'm so thankful to have found the podcasts in the last couple of months! The Lord has really been using them to encourage me and my family! "

– Mindy, from Georgia