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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

The Advantage of the Disadvantaged

• Greg Boyd

In our world, we all strive to gain advantages to have a better life. However, the truth of the Kingdom is captured in the story of a crippled lamb. Greg shows us how, in the Kingdom, having advantages can be a disadvantage, and having a disadvantage can be an advantage.

Topics: Blessings, Love, Power

The Gift That You Are

• Greg Boyd

Christmas is a time of gift giving. In this sermon, Greg takes about the greatest gift that we’ve received, and he also shows how we can give back. Put on your thinking cap for this one.

Topics: Blessings, Grace, Salvation

Occupy The Kingdom

• Greg Boyd

With all of the unrest around the economy, it can be easy to preach against the rich. In this sermon, Greg takes a look at the book of James to see what he says about wealth, and he finds that there is more to the story than fairness.

Topics: Generosity, Greed, Money

Christmas Beyond the Pattern

• Greg Boyd

The pattern of Christmas is to buy gifts for people that usually are not needed items. In this sermon, we look at the book of James and how faith must be found in our actions to the poorest of the poor, and an alternative to the usual pattern of Christmas is given.

Topics: Faith, Generosity, Sacrifice

Abba and Abasi

• Greg Boyd

It takes a community to raise a child. Yet, in our modern world, we've set the standard that parenting should only be done by the biological parents. This separation of family from community is a tactic of the devil. In this sermon, Greg gives some principles of parenting in today's world.

Topics: Community, Family, Parenting

When Marriages Go Bad

• Greg Boyd

Divorce happens. In this sermon, Greg speaks on when marriages go wrong. With divorce rates nearly the same inside as outside of the church, it is important to have a Kingdom understanding of divorce and remarriage, and how to answer the question: “When is it ok to divorce?"

Topics: Controversial Issues, Divorce, Marriage

Reverse The Curse

• Greg Boyd

Marriage is a complicated endeavor. Whether we have allegiances to certain models of doing marriage or we follow in our parents footsteps, we all do marriage differently. In week 5 of the relatively speaking sermon series, we will learn about what the Bible says about marriage, and we'll hear what Greg has to say about beautiful submission to one another.

Topics: Controversial Issues, Family, Marriage

Say Yes to Arranged Marriages

• Christena Cleveland, Greg Boyd

In ancient times, fathers would arrange marriages for their sons and daughters. In modern times, it is the individuals who broker their own marriage deals. We live in a consumerist dating era where people can pick their own mate. In this sermon, Greg and Christina Cleveland give a few guiding principles on how to date in the modern world, and they also give insight into who should really be brokering our marriage deals.

Topics: Family, Love, Marriage

Solo Mojo

• Greg Boyd

Singleness is a topic that isn't discussed very often. In this sermon, Greg talks about the stigma that is attached to single people, especially in churches. He also brings to light how the early church viewed singleness and provides three implications of being single in today's world.

Topics: Community, Relationships

Honoring Your Mom, Dad and Your Father

• Greg Boyd

Honoring your father and mother is an ancient command found in nearly every religion. Yet, families vary from person to person, and it can be difficult to honor some parents. In this sermon, Greg talks about how to honor your parents by forgiving them and assessing the reality of the relationship. By doing these two things, people can honor their parents in healthy ways.

Topics: Family, Forgiveness, Parenting, Relationships

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"Woodland Hills is breaking chains for believers and shattering walls for non-believers. Truly an amazing church to be a part of."

– Ellie