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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Shake Him Off

• Greg Boyd

At the end of every year, it is good to look back on that year and resolve things that have been left unresolved. In this sermon, Greg shows how unresolved anger is pollution in our lives, and we should resolve it and shake off the devil.

Topics: Conflict, Forgiveness, Joy


• Greg Boyd

This Christmas Eve, Greg reads us the story of a little lamb and how that lamb's love plays into the Christmas story. Instead of seeing a God who only works in power and looks a lot like humans, we see a unique beauty in the story of Jesus about a God of grace and gentleness.

Topics: Love, Power, Sacrifice


• Greg Boyd

When people think of peace, they often think of the absence of conflict. But God’s peace is much more holistic and reaches far into our souls and not just our actions. This shalom of God is about restoring our unity with the Father. In the third sermon of our advent series, we look forward to peace.

Topics: Conflict, Non-Violence, Peace


• Greg Boyd

Why did Jesus come to earth? The most common answer is he came to save us. This week we discuss another answer to this question. Jesus came to show us the perfect joy of his Father and to give that joy to us. It is by knowing that the Father takes joy in each of us that we can begin to grow in the joy he desires for us.

Topics: Fear, Joy, Salvation


• Greg Boyd

We all have a song of hope in our hearts. During this advent season, it is important to remember that God is the one who we should look to write the words of that song. In this sermon, Greg shares how we sometimes get in the way of seeing God’s hope.

Topics: Healing, Hope, Peace

Without Borders

• Shawna Boren

This week’s sermon includes practical ways we can live a more generous life. Our speaker, Shawna Boren, challenges us to explore the role God has for us in living a simple life and finding our true peace in him. She talks about some ways we can be more giving of our time, resources, money, and possessions.

Topics: Generosity, God's Will, Simplicity

The Choke

• Greg Boyd

In America, we’ve been conditioned to always stretch our budget and time to get the next best thing. But God is calling us to a simpler lifestyle that will not choke our Kingdom purpose. In this sermon, Greg points out some practical tips to grow the Kingdom seed in our lives.

Topics: Generosity, Greed, Simplicity

Consumer War

• Greg Boyd

We live in a warzone where there are powers trying to derail us from living a life like Jesus. One of these powers is consumerism. In this sermon, Greg shows us how consumerism is anti-Christ, and we should change our mindset in order to fight back.

Topics: Conflict, Simplicity, Spiritual Warfare

Lab Rats No Longer

• Greg Boyd

In American culture, we are constantly being told to buy products and be discontent with our current situation. Like lab rats, we are constantly stimulated and tested to change our situation. Greg speaks to how we are called to step out of this consumerism rat trap and find a different way of living.

Topics: Generosity, Money, Sacrifice

The Forest in the Trees: Q&A

• Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy

During our weekend services on November 2-3, we hosted Q&A sessions with Greg Boyd, our Senior Pastor, and Paul Eddy, our Teaching Pastor. We included all three services, so enjoy listening to ALL the answers.
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"My counselor zeroed in on the root causes of my anxiety, explaining the mechanisms of why I was feeling the way I was, and what to do about it. She was very loving and compassionate and approached my situation with a technical mindset as well. A very rare combination."

– Lay Counseling participant