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Walking in Joy

Start Date: Oct 01, 2024

We can experience joy in many ways, but God wants us to experience the “Joy of the Lord,” God’s joy, the joy that only God can bring. The Bible is filled with expectations and promises for us to experience joy. The desire of God’s heart is for us to be walking in joy! This class will look at the Bible’s narrative on joy, the reality of Christ in us and some practical ways we can experience more of the joy of the Lord in our everyday lives.

Tuesday nights, 6:30-8:00pm CT

Class Format: Online via Zoom
Duration: 6 weeks
Instructor(s): Vinnie Rose

Vinnie Rose is a graduate of SEM at Woodland Hills. Vinnie has served as a full-time worship pastor and in prison ministries and has a passion for house churches and relational communities. He enjoys spending outdoor time with his wife, Becky, and daughter, Lily, golfing and writing essays on his blog.

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"I was inspired during my recent visit to your church, and wanted to thank you for the notable work you are accomplishing in the city. Thank you for being Holy Spirit first responders to the homeless and downtrodden. May God continue to show himself strong as you represent Christ daily."

– Kathy