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Share Your Story: Gretchen

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We always enjoy hearing your stories—God works in so many beautiful ways around the world! Here, Gretchen, a podrishioner from Ecuador, shares her story.

I grew up in a Christian home, so Jesus was prevalent in our lives. But at 18, I rebelled against the restrictions, the guilt and the endless questions that I couldn’t find satisfying answers for. So much of the Bible didn’t make sense to me, so I rejected it. But I always felt something “god-like” was in charge of the universe.

I was an agnostic into my 50s when my sister loaned me books by author Jan Karon. Somehow those stories broke that resistance and spoke to me. Shortly after, my nephew was able to reach through my armor and discuss Jesus with me. I was getting knee replacements at this time and that experience fixed in my mind that I had to trust a power greater than myself (the surgeon), though I didn’t fully understand the process. That humbling let me open up to God.

My sister also introduced me to Greg Boyd’s books, all of which I read, and I also heard about Greg through my niece who had him as her professor at Bethel. Then I started watching Woodland’s sermons each week. Since my early experiences of Christianity were so strict and dogmatic, the less formal atmosphere, and room for varying opinions on non-salvation matters of faith, really appealed to me. Woodland looks forward, not just backwards, which is refreshing.

The clarification of what hell is and is not, was particularly enlightening to me. Since the subject of suffering is a major stumbling block for so many (especially me), I appreciate Woodland’s honesty and openness on this important issue. Greg’s reminders about our biblical obligation to care for the earth and animal kingdom are so timely and of utmost importance, and I appreciate his courage in addressing this.

We retired overseas, so it is a real blessing to have access to Woodland Hills via the internet.

I’ve been in a Woodland Gathering Group for a few years now, and getting to know my fellow believers has been fulfilling for me, living so far away in a foreign country. I even got to meet my Zoom leader last week in person, when we were both visiting my home state of California. I feel like I have a church family, even when I’m 4,000 miles away.

I’m still plagued by endless questions, and love that Woodland embraces them, instead of avoiding difficult problems. That means the world!

Thank you Gretchen for embracing the questions, too! If you have a story you’d like to share we’d love to hear it. Email info@whchurch.org.

3 thoughts on “Share Your Story: Gretchen

  1. Heidi says:

    Gretchen, I loved reading your story! I’m especially touched that you choose to go on believing and trusting in Jesus even when all your questions aren’t answered.

  2. Annie says:

    Gretchen, I loved hearing your faith journey. I am encouraged by the way you keep believing in Jesus even when all your questions aren’t answered. I know God will use your story to bless others!

  3. Becky says:

    Thanks for sharing your journey, Gretchen. “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; but then face to face. Now (we) know in part; then (we) shall know fully, even as (we are) fully known” 1 Corinthians 13:12. All our questions really will be answered someday when we are with Jesus forever! In the meantime, your obedience and trust really please Him, and we carry on with what follows in the next verse, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” verse 13.

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"So many thanks for your wonderful messages and all you give to the world around you. I'm retired in Ecuador with no churches so really appreciate your online presence. So many Christians discourage questions, so this is refreshing, as are the Q&A sessions."

– Gretchen