
Study Guide: Dressed for War – Dressed for Victory

Sunday June 23, 2002 | Peggy Riley

Focus Scripture:

Brief Summary:

This morning we were blessed to have Peggy Riley deliver a sermon. Outfitted in a camouflage military coat, Peggy began this commissioning message by recognizing the reality of being a wounded soldier of the Lord. Denying one’s wounds does not solve any problems but only delays the healing.

Extended Summary:

This morning we were blessed to have Peggy Riley deliver a sermon entitled “Dressed for War, Dressed for Victory.” Outfitted in a camouflage military coat, Peggy began this commissioning message by recognizing the reality of being a wounded soldier of the Lord. Denying one’s wounds does not solve any problems but only delays the healing. It is at these points in our lives, when we are tired, alone, angry, hurt, distressed, discouraged, and grieving, that we must let God be our strength. We can be confident that joy will come in the morning. Peggy used both I Peter 4:12-13 and 5:6-10 to illustrate this point. In the midst of the times in our lives when we are wounded, this question remains: Are we still willing to be soldiers on the battlefield of the Lord?

If we indeed choose to follow the biblical command to be soldiers, we must be dressed for the occasion. In the same way that a person battles a cold winter day in Minnesota with the proper attire, a Christian soldier must be prepared for war. I Peter 5:8 says, “Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour.” If you are not wearing a part of the spiritual armor, Satan will attack the area of your life that is exposed.

God has given us the proper spiritual weaponry. It is our responsibility as soldiers-in-training to understand how to put it on. In Ephesians 6 we find the Apostle Paul describing the different components of the armor. The Belt of Truth holds everything in place. Know the truth and it shall set you free (John 8:32). The enemy will attempt to lie to us and instill in us a seed of hopelessness. If we have the truth of Jesus Christ in our inner being, the devil’s tactics cannot shake us.
The Breastplate of Righteousness covers the heart of the soldier. If this area is unguarded Satan will try to attack one’s morality and integrity. It is in the heart that some of the deepest pain is felt, but it is also from here that the river of life flows. A third component of the warfare attire are the Shoes of the Gospel of Peace. These spiritual shoes are not worn for the sake of fashion but must be able to support us in our activities on the battlefield. Traditionally, the Shield of Faith was large and oblong and crafted to withstand the arrows, darts and spears of the enemy. In combat, soldiers would stand along side one another and raise their shields in order to form a wall of protection for their fellow soldiers behind them. In the same way, we need to be a unified wall in the body of Christ.

The Helmet of Salvation obviously covers the head. The first place the enemy tries to mess with us is in our minds. Satan may try to remind you of your past sins, failures, and journeys through the valley of death. When he plagues you with your past you need only remind him of his future. Satan will not have the ultimate victory; Christ is the victor! Seasons of struggle will come, but we must continually put on the helmet and think as the Lord would have us think. The Sword of the Spirit is the word of God. To properly use the Bible as a weapon, we need to meditate on it, believe it and live it. As an act of war, we must speak its truth against Satan and proclaim its words of freedom to others.

As soldiers, we need to take a stand against the devil’s schemes at all times. We must be immovable in the Lord and hold our position. We need to claim back our life, family, and health for the Lord. At the same time, we need to recognize the reality of the war. Casualties will occur. There are times when we must support each other on the battlefield and be the armor bearers of our fellow sisters and brothers. In Exodus 17:8-16, Moses’ responsibility in the battle against the Amalekites was to keep his arms raised. When he became tired and his arms started to fall, the Israelites began to lose the battle. Moses had two armor bearers, Aaron and Hur, that came along side of him and lifted his arms for him. In the same way, we must support our fellow brothers and sisters in times of hardship.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Reread Ephesians 6:10-20. What aspects of the armor are defensive and what aspects are offensive?
  2. What is the significance of the belt of truth?
  3. In your opinion, are we as soldiers doing an adequate job of supporting other soldiers? Are you personally supporting your fellow sisters and brothers ? How can you do a better job being someone else’s armor bearer?
