
Study Guide: Frozen/Unfrozen

Sunday March 16, 2003 | Greg Boyd

Focus Scripture:

Brief Summary:

This morning Greg preached briefly about the healing touch of Jesus Christ. The text for the sermon came from Matthew 8:1-3, 14-15. In these verses, Jesus heals a leper and a woman’s fever by touching them. At the end of the sermon, there was an opportunity for people to receive prayer about areas in their life that need God’s touch.

Extended Summary:

This morning Greg preached briefly about the healing touch of Jesus Christ. The text for the sermon came from Matthew 8:1-3, 14-15. In these verses, Jesus heals a leper and a woman’s fever by touching them. At the end of the sermon, there was an opportunity for people to receive prayer about areas in their life that need God’s touch.

Greg shared that in our life there may be places where we need the touch of Jesus. We know that God has amazing plans for us. We know that he loves us with an unending love. We know that he came to bring us the “abundant life” (John 10:10b). Yet, we do not experience it. We feel stuck. Instead of being renewed by the transforming power of Jesus we are stuck in the “pattern of this world” (Romans 12:2). By being trapped in the pattern of this world, we feel sidelined as though we cannot participate in this abundant life. Perhaps it was a childhood experience of being laughed at and made fun of that cemented this feeling. Possibly, a trusted friend’s betrayal has caused seemingly incurable pain. Maybe growing up in a home where parents raged at each other and at you caused this reality. Whatever the specific situation, it keeps us from believing and living in the healing that Jesus brings.

To experience healing in these areas, we need Jesus’ touch. His love can transform us. Whether the need be spiritual, emotional, physical, material, vocational, psychological, or relational, God through Jesus Christ can bring healing. It might not always be in ways that we would imagine or expect, but we can take comfort that he will never leave us nor forsake us. In fact, nothing that we might experience in this world can separate us from the love of God, which is in Jesus (Romans 8:31-39). This is a glorious and healing hope.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What did Greg say could keep us from living in the abundant life that Jesus offers?
  2. What did Greg say is the answer for us to experience the full life that Jesus brings?
  3. What did the prayer time at the end of the service demonstrate as an important component for experiencing healing?
