
Study Guide: When God Reigns

Sunday June 3, 2007 | Greg Boyd

Focus Scripture:

Brief Summary:

When we live inside God's “Reign", we are basically making the decision to agree with God's truth about reality in every area of our lives. This means that we define the development of our lives only around whatever God says about things like relationships, money, work, and recreation. Living in God's Reign assures a person that, as they grow spiritually, they are actively making Jesus the Lord of their lives.

Extended Summary:

The term “Reign of God” may be unfamiliar to many people in today’s society. Few of us have a personal history with governments that have kingdoms, reigns, and dominions. Fortunately, the concept itself may be more familiar. When we live inside God’s “Reign”, we are basically making the decision to agree with God’s truth about reality in every area of our lives. This means that we define the development of our lives only around whatever God says about things like relationships, money, work, and recreation. Living in God’s Reign assures a person that, as they grow spiritually, they are actively making Jesus the Lord of their lives. To be sure, this can be a lot easier said than done. There may be serious costs involved in following Jesus, including looking foolish to many respected people in the world. Moreover, the time and energy spent being intentional in living God’s ways can be enormous. The benefits, however, greatly outweigh the costs as we live in a way that brings peace and unity to the human race in Christ.

In Luke 7, we see a great example of an unexpected person living solidly in God’s Reign. The Roman centurion was a person who had much to lose in associating with a Jewish peasant man who claimed to be the Jewish Messiah. The centurion crossed a lot of social boundaries and “invisible walls” to demonstrate his faith in Christ. As a result of his faith, not only did the centurion receive a miracle from God, but he also became an example of radical faith that Jesus held up for the Jewish people to take note. This was scandalous to Jesus’ hearers, but it truly showed how wide and expansive God’s Reign really is.

Reflection Questions:

  1. In order to stretch ourselves into new places of relational health, we must be intentional about the choices that we make? What things can we do to be more intentional about the way that we deal with people around us? What things can we do to be more intentional about changing
  2. our own attitudes?
  3. Christianity goes against the prevalent materialistic culture that we have in 21st century America. How can Christians support each other in such a counter-cultural movement? What do you believe are some essential things that people must do to encourage one another in such a difficult calling?

In demonstrating the Reign of God, Jesus regularly broke many of the social taboos that many
of his contemporary Jews believed were unbreakable. This demonstrates tremendous inner
strength. Why is it often hard for people to have this kind of strength in following God? What
are some things that we can do to help ourselves be strengthened?
