
Study Guide: My Life as a Vampire

Sunday July 8, 2007 | Greg Boyd

Focus Scripture:

Brief Summary:

What is the difference between a vampire and Jesus? This may sound like a rather odd question to ask, but you may be surprised at the profound difference between the two. A vampire is known for two things: it loves to dwell in darkness and feeds off of people. Jesus is known for two things: he lives in light and sacrificially gives of himself in love for all.

Extended Summary:

What is the difference between a vampire and Jesus? This may sound like a rather odd question to ask, but you may be surprised at the profound difference between the two. A vampire is known for two things: it loves to dwell in darkness and feeds off of people. Jesus is known for two things: he lives in light and sacrificially gives of himself in love for all.

We live in a world that is full of darkness that sucks the very life from us. Like a vampire, we try to get life from a multitude of sources, but they just leave us perpetually hungry; wanting more, but never satisfied. However, Jesus came to give us abundant life, shining light in the midst of our darkness (2 Corinthians 4:6).

We were created for life from God. All of our worth, value and love comes from Him. As a result, we do not have to continue living in darkness, and feeding off of others and things. Jesus tells us to feed off of him for life (John 6:53-54).

As we live for Jesus, the light of his truth begins to be revealed in us. Jesus commands us to not hide this light but to let it shine in every area of our lives, so that others may see. It doesn’t matter how much light you start with. What matters is what you do with the light you have. The more that you let it shine, the more light you have. But if you hide it, you’ll lose it (see Jesus’ parable of the Talents in Matthew 25).

To walk in light is to walk in truth about who you are and about who God made you to be. Living in God’s truth can often be messy and difficult. It means being truthful and honest about the dark places in our lives, and committing to let Jesus bring healing and growth to these areas.

Reflection Questions:

  1. In your own words, describe the difference between living like a vampire and living like Christ.
  2. Are there areas that you feed off others or things to get life?
  3. How has the light of Christ brought new life to your life?
  4. Why is it important to not hide the truth of Christ in our lives?
  5. What are some areas of your life that you have hidden from the truth of Christ? Commit to allowing Christ to bring light to these dark places.
