
Study Guide: Relationship Matters

Sunday March 28, 2021 | Greg Boyd

Focus Scripture:

Brief Summary:

After a brief introduction, Greg invites panel participants to give insight and practical direction on dealing with interpersonal conflict and reconciliation.

Extended Summary:

During this sermon, Greg provided a recap of last week’s sermon by Tara Beth Leach on Jesus’ teaching about the Kingdom value of interpersonal relationships. This was followed by a panel discussion that included Shawna Boren, Rob Kistler and Lambers Fisher to explore the practical ramifications of Jesus’ teaching in our everyday lives.

Some of the questions they explored included:

Through the interaction of the panel members, we are offered clarity regarding what it means to follow Jesus’ teaching regarding having a righteousness that is beyond that of the Pharisees in our daily relationships. We learn that God values how we treat others at a surprisingly high level, to the point that if we are in worship and there remember that we have offended another that we are to leave worship and seek reconciliation.

We also discover the distinction between forgiveness and reconciliation, two experiences that are often conflated to the point of confusion. We are given practical direction on how we might enter into both and how we might move forward with forgiveness and reconciliation when the other party is not moving with us.

This is a powerful and insightful discussion about how we can participate with God’s mission in the world to live in love as Christ loved us and gave his life for us.

Reflection Questions:
