
Study Guide: Don’t be Like the Pharisees

Sunday January 25, 2009 | Greg Boyd

Focus Scripture:

Brief Summary:

In this section of Luke, Jesus gives four distinct teachings that on the surface seem unrelated. But when taken in context with each other, they highlight four different aspects of how we are to live in Christian community with one another.

Extended Summary:

First teaching: Luke 17:1-2

Greg reviewed three ways to understand who the “little ones” are and what “stumble” might mean.

Greg’s point so far is that Jesus was instructing the disciples to be different than the Pharisees who put obstacles in the path of the poor and oppressed, created rules that excluded many from their gatherings and generally judged folks all around them. Rather than behave in this manner, we are to remember that every single person was worth God dying for, and we are to treat them as such. We are to see our own sin as a log and theirs as a particle of dust.

Second teaching: Luke 17:3-4

In this passage, Greg focused on the context and what obeying this text might look like. The context was one of covenant relationships—probably in house churches. These instructions are not a license to go out and start rebuking everyone you see misbehaving; rather, this teaching is a command to love those you are in covenant with enough to speak the truth in love to them. Once you have spoken the truth in love, it is up to them to repent not just for their own sake but for the health of the whole covenant community that they are a part of. When people do repent, we are commanded to forgive them, not just for their sake, but for our own and that of the community.

Third teaching: Luke 17:5-6

The apostles respond to Jesus by asking that he increase their faith so that they can love in the way Jesus is describing. Jesus acknowledges that it seems impossible, but with God, it can be done.

Fourth teaching: Luke 17:7-10

The punch-line in vs. 10 is clear: we do not expect rewards for doing what we are supposed to do. Those who do good things with the hope of being rewarded are trying to gain worth from their actions rather than simply expressing with gratitude the obedience that flows from being transformed by the power of God.

Briefly, then:

• do not cause others to stumble

• forgive others when they sin against you and the community

• trust God and have faith that the Holy Spirit is moving in and through your community

• have the humility to realize that doing these things is what we are supposed to be doing as Christians- they are not things we do to gain God’s favor- they are expressions of who we are as new creations in Christ.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Which of these four teachings stood out to you most? Why?
  2. Consider what you think is meant by “stumble” and “little ones”?
  3. Go over each Scripture listed in the four teachings one at a time. After each one, consider how that teaching applies to your own community. That might be your immediate family, a small group you are a part of, or something else. If you don’t have a community and you see the need to be in one, contact the church if you’d like help finding one.
  4. What is one way you can respond to this message this week?
