
Study Guide: Trusting Dad

Sunday June 15, 2008 | Greg Boyd

Focus Scripture:

Brief Summary:

So many of us have a messed up view of God. We don’t understand how our Father in heaven loves us beyond imagination. Because we lack a clear picture of God’s love, we cling to this world and all of its concerns. Our lives can get consumed by worry. But when we see the reality of God’s love, this world's problems are small by comparison.

Extended Summary:

From the pagan perspective this world is all that is real. People may believe in God, Jesus and many other spiritual things, but what is real to them is this world. They live in the story of survival and success in the here and now. This is a story of pain avoidance and pursuing pleasure. If this world is all that is real, then this life becomes all important. As a result, those living within this story chase after food, clothing, shelter, cars, money and reputation. They cannot help but do so.

In addition, to those within this story, Jesus’ teachings are crazy. Jesus says to trust God and live carefree like birds. This does not make sense. The here and now world story hinders the imagination from hearing what Jesus is saying. Given the STORY they live in, they can’t help but see Jesus’ teachings as insane. His teachings say to deny yourself, to take up a cross, to be willing to die, or to love enemies. This is all ludicrous. Believing in God and Jesus is okay, so long as it benefits them here and now, but actually trusting in God and following the teachings of Jesus make no sense.

Jesus’ is inviting us into a radically different story. It’s the only story in which His teachings make sense. It’s the story of trusting God to be a loving Dad who delights in giving us His Kingdom. The reason we can be carefree is because we know our Father loves us, cares for us and wants to give us the Kingdom.

We’ve got to know our heavenly Dad delights in us and delights in giving us the Kingdom. We don’t have to beg, earn, impress, or cajole. Our Father is not delighted in us because he must. It is just who he is. Our Dad is the kind of Dad who…

Our Heavenly Dad is pleased to give us the entire Kingdom. The question is: Do we trust him? If we get this, it changes the story we live in. And now Jesus’ teachings make sense. If we trust that our Dad loves us, takes delight in us and wants to give us his eternal Kingdom, there is no need to worry about getting the good life now. There is no need to be anxious about food, clothing or shelter. If my Dad wants me to sell all my possession and give to the poor, that is no problem. Clinging to possessions when we have the Kingdom is like a son of Bill Gates loosing sleep over giving up a quarter.

If we trust our Dad loves us, knows what we need, and is delighted to give us the Kingdom, we can live carefree. We can be a passionate trusting free child of God who is not clinging to the things of this world.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does your experience with your father impact your view of God as your Father?
  2. How does trust relate to worry?
  3. How does the story of this world hinder your ability to understand Jesus’ teachings?
  4. How would you describe your ability to know deep within you how much God is pleased with you?
  5. What about your view of God needs to change as a result of these truths?
  6. Stop and take a few minutes to meditate on who God is. Ask the Holy Spirit to drive home these truths.
