
Study Guide: Blessed Rituals

Sunday August 22, 2021 | Greg Boyd

Focus Scripture:

Brief Summary:

As members of God’s church, we are called to share the gospel in every part of our lives. Our family is central to our daily lives, but we often don’t think about how we can intentionally live out the gospel in that setting. This sermon addresses this topic.

Extended Summary:

The church is a body of people, comprised of all of us, who are sent out to be ambassadors, with the mission of living as Christ’s hands and feet. Whether you attend services or participate through podcast or live-streaming, we all need to be asking, how can I partner with what God is already doing to bring the Kingdom to our families, friendship networks, co-workers, and neighbors?

In this sermon, Greg focuses on being sent to share the gospel in our families. Because the idea of the nuclear family has only been around for less than a century, for the purposes of this sermon, “family” can be anyone you most intimately share life with on a daily basis.

Loving the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind looks like keeping God’s instructions in your heart, and reciting them to your children and talking about them when at home and away, in the morning and at bedtime. It means saturating your family with teachings of God and integrating Yahweh’s teaching into every facet of your life.

In order to discover how families can foster this way of loving God, Greg invited Bill Doherty into a conversation to discuss the importance of family rituals. Through this conversation, you will discover what rituals are and the role they play in family formation.

Reflection Questions:
