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Topic: Imagination

Choosing To Say Yes

Personal experience is an important element of faith, so if we lack this, the life-changing depth of our faith will suffer. Today we talk about how to enhance the way we experience our faith, so that it feels more real and can affect us more fully.

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Escaping the Twilight Zone God

In an episode of the Twilight Zone, a young boy gained omnipotent powers, and people were forced to accept his every decision as good—or else. In this sermon, Greg shows how many people view God this way, and he opens up another way to view God. Read More 

What’s God Thinking?

Discerning God’s will can be difficult. In the final sermon of God Will Hunting, Greg offers some practical suggestions for knowing God’s will. He also tells stories that highlight how these suggestions work in the real world. Read More 

Stick and String

God’s will is foremost about who we are and not what we do. God’s original design for us was to express his beauty to this world, but that requires us to receive who we are from him. In this sermon, Greg talks about his experiences as a little boy and how his interaction with God has shaped his understanding of who he is today. Read More 

Integrated Faith

Our fallen world is full of dis-integration. This week, Greg takes the past topics of faith and applies them to this fallen world. In doing so, we are giving a way of integrating our faith in any situation. Read More 

Listening to the Kids

Many of us have wounds, stresses, and cares in our lives. Like children, these things cry out to us, wanting us to pay attention. God wants us to listen to these “children” and find healing with God’s help. Read More 

Animate: Final Questions

This sermon addresses three specific questions as a follow-up to the Animate series. The first relates to the dangers of opening oneself up to the spirit realm. The second is about how we know what we sense in our imagination is from God. And the third questions whether imaginative prayer that focuses on Jesus alone is actually limiting. Read More 

Animate Questions: Getting Life

There were a lot of questions generated by our recent Animate series. This sermon answers questions about why Christians have sometimes been suspicious of the imagination, and about how we can get our “life” (worth, significance and security) from God. Read More 

Animate Wrap Up: Is it Just Me?

There were a lot of questions generated by our recent Animate series, which explored the role that imagination plays in our spiritual lives. One question that came up frequently was, “Are we just making all this up when we practice imaginative spirituality?” Read More 

Clever Disguises

This is the fifth message in the Animate series which focuses on making ourselves free and available to commune with God. Transformation comes from spending time in the presence and glory of God. Read More 

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska