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THIS WEEK'S Announcements

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MLK Service + Community Events

Next week is MLK weekend!

We have a team of people here that put together a list of local events, centered around community, serving others, and celebrating.

Pick up a handout in the Gathering Area at church, or find the list of events here!

And, make sure to join us next Sunday for our special MLK service!



When Civil Rights leader John Lewis advocated for a holiday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., he called for a “national day of service.” He urged for “a day on, not a day off … a day of service to our communities, to our brothers and sisters, and to generations yet unborn so that we all may continue Dr. King’s work of building the beloved community.”

This attitude of service is the same attitude of Jesus who, “did not come to be served but to serve.” So we are taking up this challenge for a “day on” of serving and turning it into a “month on” with a church-wide Serve-a-thon. Our goal is to put in 250 hours of service by the end of February, and hopefully create a pattern of serving that will continue long after!

Learn more here.


New Cultivate Classes

New Cultivate Classes are here!

Soul-Deep Beauty, a 6-week book study with Melissa Johnson, looks at how media and culture impacts the way we see ourselves and others, and the importance of redefining beauty from a spiritual perspective. Monday nights, 6:30pm on Zoom

Confident Humility, a 7 week book study with Dan Kent, on finding security, confidence and peace in a world full of anxiety and depression on one side, and arrogance and inflated egos on the other. Tuesday nights, 6:30pm on Zoom

Learn more / sign up here!

Other announcements

2024 Making Space Fundraiser

THANK YOU! We've exceeded our fundraiser goal! Your contributions will allow us to improve the shop and warehouse space that our volunteers use every week as they help build tiny homes for people struggling with chronic homelessness. Learn more here.

Food Shelf volutneers

The Corner Shelf is looking for some volunteers! Help is needed Tues/Wed/Thurs mornings. A variety of tasks. Being part of the food shelf team is a fun, lively and very rewarding experience! If interested, contact Kinsey at kzafke@whchurch.org, or learn more here.

Introducing: Theology & Things

Through dozens of Q&A sessions and hundreds of emails, you’ve asked us a wide array of questions. We’ve collected these questions into an online library called Theology & Things. We hope this will be a rich resource for all of us as we learn to love together! Learn more here.

Helpful links

Hold a Spot

  • Remember to hold a spot for your kids in Heroes Gate for next weekend! 


  • Our Prayer Teams are available to support you in a variety of ways, including right after our Sunday services.


  • Join one of our Gathering Groups to discuss the week’s sermon and meet other people from Woodland.
  • Tune in to the MuseCast each Tuesday at 4pm for discussion and practical application of this week’s sermon.

New to Woodland?

...or otherwise just looking to get more involved? Either way, we're so glad to have you! Check out our Welcome to WH page to learn more about us, and how you can get involved!

Visitor Card

New to Woodland or visiting? Fill out our visitor card; we'd love to get in touch!


"I'm so thankful to have found the podcasts in the last couple of months! The Lord has really been using them to encourage me and my family! "

– Mindy, from Georgia