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Cost & Travel

Cost Info

  • The cost for the program is $1250 per year for years 1-2, and $2500 for year 3. ($5000 total for the 3 years).
  • Students pay a deposit of $250 once they are officially accepted into the program, which applies to the first-year tuition costs.
  • Full tuition must be paid before classes begin each fall.
  • Special financial arrangements will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and scholarships may be available upon request and demonstration of need.


Annual in-person Weekend retreat
  • Each school year will begin with a weekend retreat in the fall. Students are responsible, if at all possible, to come to Minnesota for the retreat each year as part of their program requirement. (If a student is absolutely not able to attend in person, arrangements will be made for them to participate as much as possible via Zoom.)
  • Most of the cost of the retreat (travel, lodging, food) is built into the SEM tuition but some additional costs may be involved, depending on each student’s specific situation.
  • The annual kickoff retreats involve interpersonal connection (students to WH, to each other, and to the SEM leaders), as well as certain course lectures, worship/contemplative practices and recreational activities.
Justice Journey and Commissioning Week
  • This takes place at the end of year three. Third-year students will come to Minnesota for a 10-day period to embark on a Civil Rights Justice Journey trip to Southern landmarks in the civil rights/reconciliation movement, and to wrap up their SEM program with graduation and commissioning ceremonies and celebration.
  • Most of the costs of the trip are built into the third-year SEM tuition, apart from personal costs based on specific student situations.

Frequently Asked Questions


"I was inspired during my recent visit to your church, and wanted to thank you for the notable work you are accomplishing in the city. Thank you for being Holy Spirit first responders to the homeless and downtrodden. May God continue to show himself strong as you represent Christ daily."

– Kathy