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Seminary for Everybody

Historically, those who felt a special calling to ministry or missions often pursued specialized training in “seminary.” But who said that ministry and missions were special callings for only a few people? That’s not in the Bible! Our belief is that all Christians are called to be ministers to each other within the church family, and to be servant missionaries to others outside the church family.

But in order to fulfill this calling, followers of Jesus need a Seminary for Everybody – a school where they can become formed more into the character of Jesus and be equipped to serve within and outside the Body of Christ.  We offer an online discipleship opportunity from September to May for everyday ministers and missionaries to be healed, formed, and equipped for a lifetime of service:

SEM is our 3-year, part-time discipleship and theological formation school. Learn more


"Woodland Hills family, thank you so much for everything you all do. My life is blessed by your teaching and technology. I know there are so many behind the scenes people. "

– Denise