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THIS WEEK'S Announcements

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The Jesus Kitchen

The Jesus Kitchen ministry is heading to a regional Rainbow Gathering, this August 16-19!

The Rainbow Gathering is a counterculture group of people who gather within national forests to foster like-minded ideas of peace and ideals. Jesus Kitchen aims to provide radical hospitality to these people, by sharing food, water and prayer.

Interested in joining them this year, or just want to know more? Come to the info meeting in North A, this Sunday at 11:30!




Summer Blood Drive

Join us for our Summer Blood Drive, put on by American Red Cross!

Summer is a lower donation time because of vacations and the beautiful weather. Sign up and help save lives at this critical time!

Learn more here.

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Settled Homestead Festival

Our partner organization, Settled, is throwing a party and you’re invited!

The Homestead Festival is an opportunity to support Settled's work of "guiding churches to cultivate home in a homeless world."

The event is at Fair Haven Farm, July 2, 2-9pm. Learn more here!

Praying for Woodland Hills

For the last several weeks, Greg has encouraged us to commit to praying for each other, and for the community of Woodland Hills, in the same way that Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:16-18. Download and print this card to use as a reminder throughout your week!


Other announcements

North Wing Construction Projects

The north end of our building is getting some major updates – inside and out! In part of our parking lot's unused space, we’re adding a rain garden. Learn more here! Construction has also started for Today's Harvest, our new onsite partner. Learn more here!

Summer Get-Together

Save the date for our 2024 Summer Get-Together! We have some fun planned for weekend of August 9-11, Friday-Sunday, including a Q&A, MusicFest and an all-church Baptism. The past couple years have been a blast, and we know this year will be no different!

Pray for Israel/Palestine conflict

It's hard to even imagine the horror going on in Israel and Palestine.

In one of our services, Greg made a point for us to specifically pray that the Spirit could get through to decision makers with ways that make for peace, and that the conflict would not escalate.

He also led the congregation in this group prayer.


Helpful links

Hold a Spot

  • Remember to hold a spot for your kids in Heroes Gate for next weekend! 


  • Our Prayer Teams are available to support you in a variety of ways, including right after our Sunday services.


  • Join one of our Gathering Groups to discuss the week’s sermon and meet other people from Woodland.
  • Tune in to the MuseCast each Tuesday at 4pm for discussion and practical application of this week’s sermon.

New to Woodland?

...or otherwise just looking to get more involved? Either way, we're so glad to have you! Check out our Welcome to WH page to learn more about us, and how you can get involved!

Visitor Card

New to Woodland or visiting? Fill out our visitor card; we'd love to get in touch!


"I've been a WH podrishioner for several years now and I can't tell you how much it has changed my life. I came across these podcasts at a time when I was in an extremely unhealthy/abusive situation, and these teachings were immensely influential to me maintaining my faith and sanity. THANK YOU for showing me what a Jesus-looking God is like and what it means to follow Him. Many, many blessings to all of you!"

– Christina, from Oregon