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Love & the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil

Apr 14 2002 • Greg Boyd

Love is to be the heartbeat of the Christian life. Yet, throughout history, we have fallen short of Christ-like love and into judgement. In this sermon series, Greg addresses the question “What went wrong?” by taking us back to Genesis 3. We cannot both love and judge at the same time. We either eat of the tree of life, which is made available to us again in Jesus Christ, or we continue to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. One is a life of freedom, transparency, openness, joy and truth. The other is a life of bondage and emptiness.

Sermons in this series:


Will You Plead Your Case?

• Greg Boyd

Greg has been showing us how our desire to judge others and ourselves actually prevents God’s love from flowing in us and through us toward others. The primary text has been Gen. 3 with the story of Adam and Eve and the two trees.

Hiding and Performance

• Greg Boyd

Love is to be the heartbeat of the Christian life. We have also seen that we cannot both love and judge at the same time. We either eat of the tree of life, which is made available to us again in Jesus Christ, or we continue to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. One is a life of freedom, transparency, openness, joy and truth. The other is a life of bondage and emptiness. This second way of trying to get life will drive us to pretend to be something that we are not. We are called to a life of love, but most of us seem to live in a pattern of performance and hiding.

Knowing Your Name

• Greg Boyd

The names of people and places in the Bible are more meaningful than we might expect. The names are given and sometimes changed for important reasons, and the reasons stick with the person or place because of the clarity of the name to the people who use it.

Only Thing I Need

• Greg Boyd

Greg has been focusing our attention on the centrality of love as the heartbeat of all reality. Today’s sermon will continue to address the question, “What went wrong?”

The Only Thing that Matters

• Greg Boyd

Building on the previous two sermons, Greg has offered a third challenge to us to live in the love that God extends to us and wants to spread through us. God has done everything necessary to make our “abiding in Christ” possible.

Knocking Over the Bear

• Greg Boyd

In today’s sermon, Greg began with a review of last week’s message about the goal of creation, a biblical definition of love, and the three movements that God’s love makes.

It’s All About Love

• Greg Boyd

Greg has been preaching on passion for the past month as a way of preparing us for the release of this passion of faith through spiritual disciplines and obedience to God in our lives. Today we were reminded that love is the power that validates any act of obedience or discipline that a Christian does. If we don’t have love, nothing else we do can have the impact God wants it to have.


"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska