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The Night That Changes The World

Nov 29 2015 • Greg Boyd, Seth McCoy, Shawna Boren

2000 years ago, Jesus was born and the world changed forever. Our relationship with God, the way we interact with the world, and our place in the Kingdom of God were all transformed. Our sermon series this Christmas season will explore Jesus’s birth to show how it continues to change how we see, experience and live in the world.

Sermons in this series:

The Presence Changes The World

• Shawna Boren

Our modern lives tend to get so busy that our everyday realities can keep us from seeing and experiencing that God loves us and is always with us. Emmanuel means “God with us”, and while it may sound a bit surreal, the Christmas story is as true today as it was on that first Christmas – God IS here with us!

Topics: Joy, Love, Peace, Presence of God

The Hope That Changes The World

• Greg Boyd, Seth McCoy

Waiting is really difficult, no matter who you are or what you’re waiting for. We see examples over and over in scripture of characters who waited well and others who struggled and tried to take things in to their own hands. In this message Seth explores what it means to wait in hopeful anticipation for Jesus’ coming this Christmas season.

Topics: Discipleship, Faithfulness, Hope

The Wonder That Changes The World

• Greg Boyd

For children, Christmas is a time filled with wonder and awe. But as we grow, we tend to lose our sense of wonder and awe not only about Christmas, but about our world, our lives, and everything else! We all innately long to return “home” – home to a place where love overwhelms us and all things are new and glorious – and we long for someone who will take us there. But could that ever really happen? Praise God, for as wondrous and awe-inspiring as it sounds, that’s exactly what Jesus did for us on that first Christmas!

Topics: Joy, Love, Peace, Presence of God

The Peace That Changes The World

• Greg Boyd

This week we begin our Christmas series, The Night that Changes the World. This first week focuses on the peace that comes through Christ. Greg delves into the distractions that can get in the way of experiencing this peace of Christ. This peace of Christ requires an intentional inventory of the degree to which Christ has full reign over both our outer and inner lives. In this sermon we look into some crucial questions and practices to submit all of our lives to the reign of Christ to experience true peace that can only come through the Prince of Peace.

Topics: Identity in Christ, Imagination, Peace


"We listen to your sermons every week and love “Muse Days” with Dan and Shawna. You are a beacon of hope and leading us all in learning to be more like Jesus. Thank you for all of your wonderful service to the Lord! —Scott and Katie Spohn, Zach, Jacob and Valerie"

– Scott and family