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WH? There’s an App for that!

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Did you know Woodland Hills has an app? It’s available for both Apple and Android devices, and gives you a simple way to stay connected to Woodland:

How to Get Involved

  • Join a Gathering Group or a Support Group
  • Take a class
  • Sign up to serve

Sermon Audio and Video

  • Catch up on any messages you miss

Event Calendar and News Feed

  • Never miss out on WH events
  • Check out photo albums from recent events


To download, search “Woodland Hills Church” in your app store, or click woodlandhills.app.link from your phone’s browser.

We’d love to hear your feedback or suggestions.
Contact Sarah at scassin@whchurch.org if you have any! wh-bug

4 thoughts on “WH? There’s an App for that!

  1. Joy says:

    Please pray for my 64 yr old sister joy sanders she has a stage 3 inoperable malignant tumor on her pancreas also pray her appetite and nausea will improve 314 495 9269

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Thank you for sharing your prayer request Joy. We’ll make sure it gets to the prayer team.
      – Paige from the Communications Team

  2. Dorinda says:

    I fear sharing my name. Because when you meet me I want you to see me, not my messy life. I need God, prayers ,power and not sympathy. My life is messy and always will be, but pray that I have true joy and peace regardless of my circumstances. God is trying to teach me that through my circumstances, He told me so. He said, I’m want you to have joy in knowing me, not your circumstances. Your joy and peace, in spite, of you circumstances will lead others to Christ. There is generational addiction in my life, early death due to it, murder due to it, bad marriage, cancer due it and a child born with cerebral palsy(not due to it). The two believing pillars in my life have gone to be with God and I’m getting up in age and God wants me to take the cross. God is teaching me so much and derooting everything that is not Christ like in me. Pray for me, to see me as God sees me, strength, not give up, joy and peace. The story is not all bad, because as only God can, I have seen His hand at work and I am at awe. It brings tears to my eyes at the good God as done, but I get impatience and don’t understand why God is choosing me. Thank you for your prayers

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Hey Dorinda, did you have a chance to download our app? There is a section on there specifically for prayer requests. You can also post anonymously on there if you’d like. Regardless, thank you for sharing your prayer needs. I will pass them along to the prayer team. We are praying for the joy of the Lord to be your strength, Nehemiah 8:10.
      –Paige from the Communications Team

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"The sermons and MuseCast have been so encouraging regarding the series on Revelation. Thanks for all the time you spend bringing it all together, and also for the music teams who have been absolutely amazing, the way they work together bringing us into wonderful worship times."

– Christine