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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Touched by an Angel. Part 2

If you are curious about angels and demons and what they have to do with God’s good news for the world, this sermon is for you. Christians have authority over demonic forces. This means that we have nothing to fear, but outside of Christ, there is nothing that can be done to prevent spiritual attacks.

Touched by an Angel. Part 1

People are more interested in angels today than they used to be. This means that the church needs to respond with sound teaching on what angels are and what role they play in the grand scheme of things.

The Heir of All Creation

• Greg Boyd

The many problems in the world cause some to wonder about the moral character of God. The greatest revelation of God’s character is found in Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh.

The Radiant Savior

• Greg Boyd

Many people today believe that moral and religious convictions are all relative. Dr. Boyd exposes the many problems with giving up on God as the one true Absolute. In the Old Testament, God used prophets to speak the truth to God’s people. In the New Testament God used Jesus Christ to bring the truth. Christ is the one true absolute in the world.

Do You Measure Up?

• Greg Boyd

How we pray reveals much about how we view God. Do we thank God that we are not so bad as the next person? Or are we like the tax collector, who, understanding his sin confessed it before God and was counted as righteous. Dr. Boyd discusses the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. Many people think that they are not good enough to be Christians. This is a tragic thought. It is precisely because we are NOT good enough that Christ died for us and we are now free to be Christians. Dr. Boyd discusses Gal. 5 where Paul said, “It is for freedom that Christ has set you free.”

Empowered by Grace

• Greg Boyd

Sometimes churches that claim to be “tough on sin” end up being the one’s with the most hidden problems! But Transformation must take place! Dr. Boyd continues exploring the problem of sin and the power of grace in Paul’s letter to the Romans. Do not let your feelings of failure win the day! Christians, God is the one who defines you and God has declared you to be righteous. Salvation has been granted to you SO that your life will be transformed by the new spirit living in you. Dr. Boyd concludes this message entitled Empowered By Grace.

Worship and Teaching Time

• Greg Boyd

Perhaps nothing is more important than understanding the significance of God’s grace. Dr. Boyd highlights the argument presented by the Apostle Paul regarding sin and grace. Many people wonder what difference it makes if we sin again after we have become believers. Dr. Boyd considers this question in the light of Paul’s letter to the Romans.

Reuniting the Nations

• Greg Boyd

It’s time we got our priorities right! Rather than waste our energy on in house debates about denominations, we should be learning what it means to walk in the spirit and unite nations!

Sin, Inquity, and Racism

• Greg Boyd

Our American individualism often prevents us from understanding covenants between people and God in the Old Testament. Greg addresses one area, corporate sin and punishment, that challenges our modern sensibilities. Whole groups of people are sometimes punished for the sins of an individual. Is there justice in this? Greg discusses how a biblical understanding of covenant can help answer this question.

Quit Babbling

• Greg Boyd

The Bible teaches that the Kingdom of God will include uncountable multitudes from every nation of the world! The Church, which should be a “sneak peek” of heaven, must strive to reflect that goal. The Gospel is the power of God to reconcile sinners to the holy God! But that is not all! The Gospel is also the power of God to reunite the races of the world!
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"We just started attending last summer and we love it! This past weekend the music was so beautiful, I felt the Holy Spirit there and wept the entire time. And then the message on relationships spoke right to my own struggles. God is here."

– Nicole