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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Media Madness and the Resurrection

• Greg Boyd

If you have ever wondered about the group called the “Jesus Seminar,” then today’s message is for you. Greg questioned the methods and the conclusions of those who claim to disprove the resurrection of Christ.

The Trinity and Redemption

• Greg Boyd

The mysterious reality of God as “three in one” is not found only in the New Testament! Even in the descriptions of the tabernacle we see indications that God is a community in which we are meant to participate. Greg explored how the three persons of God are involved in human redemption.

The Last Word is Love

• Greg Boyd

God cannot heal and cleanse the areas of our lives that we don’t allow God to enter. Greg encouraged us to “get real” with God.

Three New Tents in the New Testament

• Greg Boyd

In the Old Testament, the tabernacle was a place where God dwelt and humans did not. But in the New Testament, the curtain is torn and we are fully invited into the house of God!

The God Who Lives in a Tent

• Greg Boyd

In the Old Testament, God chose to dwell with Israel as a neighbor. God’s presence was manifest in the tabernacle, which was a physical tent. Greg described the important ways that this arrangement anticipates what is to come in the New Testament.

The Titanic

• Greg Boyd

Most Christians are very aware that this world will not last forever. Even though we know this, we still live our lives as though this life is all there is. When you are on a sinking ship, how much money you have is of very little importance. The serious question is, “What will float?” Greg used the analogy of the Titanic to call our attention to the things that will truly endure forever!

After the Order of Melchizedek, Part 2

• Greg Boyd

Some people reject the Bible and the Christian faith because they say it is “too narrow.” God seems to be interested in only one small nation, Israel, which stems from the one individual, Abraham, and from all this comes the one savior, Jesus. What about all the other countries of the world both today and in the ancient times? Greg discussed the strategy God uses to reach the whole world.

After the Order of Melchizedek, Part 1

• Greg Boyd

One problem that the book of Hebrews addresses is whether the early Jewish Christians should keep the laws of the Old Covenant or not. Greg addressed the important difference between the priesthood of Jesus Christ and the Levitical priesthood.

Forgive As You’ve Been Forgiven

• Greg Boyd

We have all heard that we are to forgive as God has forgiven us. But when we’ve been wounded deeply, this is a very difficult thing to do. We feel like our dignity as a human being has been violated and someone needs to account for that. Greg addressed both the difficulty and the necessity of forgiving others as we have been forgiven.

Woodland Hills Overview

• Greg Boyd

Today’s message was an overview of what Woodland Hills Church is and what it stands for. Greg casted a vision, both for this church in particular and for the Church at large!
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"Thank you for this ministry! It has transformed my life in some really radical ways. God has broken down so many barriers and exposed so many lies that have taken some serious burdens from my heart. It has given me hope, freedom and purpose I never could have imagined possible."

– Jenny, from Wisconsin