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Coats for Kids

As every Minnesotan knows, it’s about to get chilly around here! While many of us are able to bundle up nicely as the seasons change, we know some families struggle to buy warm coats for their children. This year, we’d like to collect 200 new (or gently used) coats for elementary and high-school age kids. Read More 

Jesus Kitchen: A Day in the Life

At these gatherings, Ben says, “Everyone is searching for something spiritual—it’s easy to talk about Jesus.” The Jesus Kitchen hopes to help heal wounds that have been caused by the church by showing the love of Jesus, staying nonjudgmental and helping people start a journey to relationship with God. Read More 

2023 Fall Kickoff Photos

Last Sunday, September 10 was our 2023 Fall Kickoff! It was a pretty full house – thanks to all of you who were able to make it! Read More 

Marital First Responders

If you’ve struggled to respond well when someone shares about their marriage—or secretly wished they would stop complaining and take your advice—this workshop is for you. Read More 

Join us this Fall!

It’s that time of year again! The days get cooler, the trees get a little more colorful.. and church ministries all kick off! Check out this list to learn about everything we’ve got going on this Fall. We hope to see you around! Read More 

Tiny Home Neighbors

Kim and Jamal are intentional neighbors at Settled’s first Sacred Settlement at Mosaic Christian Community in St. Paul. We asked them to share their story of becoming intentional neighbors and what that looks like in practice.  Read More 

New Series: The Unveiling

Our new series is a deep dive into the Book of Apocalypse. Wait. Don’t remember that from your Bible’s table of contents? That’s because the Greek word “apocalypse” means “disclosing” or “uncovering” or “bringing to light,” and our English Bibles translate it as “revelation.” Read More 

Fall Kickoff

Join us for our Fall Kickoff on Sunday, September 10! During the service we’ll share in communion, and after the service we’ll have some mingling time with tasty Fall treats! Plus, a bouncy house and other activities for kids. Sunday, September 10 will begin the week where many of our ministries start up again. You’ll be able to learn all … Read More 

Prayer Right Where You Are

Our God is always, everywhere, personally present to each one of us, and Zoom is no exception. Try it sometime, we’re waiting to pray with you! Read More 

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"Thank you for this ministry! It has transformed my life in some really radical ways. God has broken down so many barriers and exposed so many lies that have taken some serious burdens from my heart. It has given me hope, freedom and purpose I never could have imagined possible."

– Jenny, from Wisconsin