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6th Graders Cross the Bridge

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Patrick Showers, our Associate Children’s Pastor, says that 6th grade is a unique year because it is a time of hovering between childhood and adolescence. So, when 6th graders make their move from Heroes Gate to Echo, both ministries work to create a bridge (literal and figurative) to smooth this transition.

First, Echo staff and student leaders provide Sunday and Wednesday orientations, then Heroes Gate caps it off with an honoring ceremony. At this ceremony, a bridge is set up in the front of the room as a symbol of their rite of passage from childhood ministry to youth ministry. This year eight 6th graders crossed the bridge, receiving a certificate, a Bible and a specially-made cookie.

Patrick says, “We encouraged them to take this opportunity to step into their role in God’s story – to determine who he has created them to be and their part in building his Kingdom. We are thankful for the opportunities we’ve had to invest in the lives of these wonderful 6th graders and we’re excited to see how they grow as they enter Echo.”

Congrats to our rising 7th graders, and blessings to you as you move on to your next adventure!

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