Here’s a look ahead to what we’ll be learning in Heroes Gate this April:
April 1: Toddlers-4th Grade will celebrate Easter and the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection (Matthew 26:14-28:10; Mark 14:12-16:8; Luke 22:1-24:12; John 13:1-20:18). Club 56 kids will talk about how we can help our friends and those we meet encounter Jesus.
April 8: Toddlers-Preschool will hear how two followers of Jesus had an amazing encounter with the resurrected Christ (Luke 24:13-49). Kindergarten-4th grade will have a special message that day. Club 56 kids will talk about how we make the choice to follow Jesus.
April 15: Toddlers-4th Grade will how Jesus appeared to the skeptical Thomas (John 20:19-29). Club 56 kids will talk begin a series on finding our identity in Christ.
April 22: Toddlers-4th Grade looks at how Peter and John bravely stood up to the Sanhedrin after they heal a paralyzed man (Acts 3:1-4:22). Club 56 kids will continue their series on finding our identity in Christ.
April 29: Toddlers-4th Grade will rejoice as they hear how Philip helped an Ethiopian man come to know Jesus (Acts 8:26-40). Club 56 kids will continue their series on finding our identity in Christ.