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At the Intersection of Faith and Art

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Woodland’s Arts Group brings together artists of all kinds, expressing beauty and truth through a variety of media.

Pam, Dave and Kay Lee are all art group members, and we asked them to sum up how they think about the intersection of faith and art.


Studying about art through the eyes of faith has expanded the whole idea of God as the supreme artist. Because we are made in his image we are made to be creative. As Jesus followers, we need to use our creativity and have eyes to see creativity in others. Ephesians 2:10 says we are his masterpiece and I love the idea of seeing paintings of each person in a museum-quality frame signed by the artist God.


Art, however we define it, is an expression of us as humans created by God. Art reflects part of the diversity of gifts and talents which make up God’s creation, all of which should be acknowledged and celebrated by the church body.

Kay Lee:

Experiencing visual arts, music and writing (my medium) is a secret passage into the spiritual dimension. When writing, I discover insights into what I didn’t know was there when I started, or discover truths I wasn’t looking for. I discover over and over in writing that there is no one nor anything too small. Through the arts I have experienced, in head and heart, the passion and transcendence of life. That passageway is open to everybody.

Interested in talking about art and faith with fellow creatives? Our next Arts Group night is Monday, June 24 from 7-8pm. Come for snacks, discussion and a celebration of artistry.

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