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Blood Drive – Thank you!

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Thank you so much for coming out for the blood drive. You donated 41 units of blood, and that’s no small thing!

Chris (pictured above) pulled double duty at this event, volunteering as a receptionist and donating, too. This is her second time as a blood donor; her first time was inspired by a previous Woodland blood drive. She says, “That experience helped me to realize how easy it is, and how important for those thousands who need a transfusion. A little poke and about 30 minutes of my time may save someone’s life. That is a big deal to me. It was a blessing to be able to give  and I’m grateful for all who came.”

Greg was able to join too: “I’m super proud that we filled up every slot except one! It’s a small sacrifice that can potentially save lives, and if it’s at all possible for a person to do so, I think that donating blood is a Kingdom 101 exercise.”

Paula Bowlby, our Outreach Associate Pastor, helped coordinate the event and says that the Red Cross passed along their thanks to Woodland for providing a great space to host a blood drive. She says that the hope is to repeat this again next year. Hopefully we’ll see you there!

If you weren’t able to make it, but would still like to donate blood on your own, check out the American Red Cross website for more info. wh-bug

One thought on “Blood Drive – Thank you!

  1. Phylis says:

    I would love to volunteer. I am not allowed to donate because of my anti rejection medication. But I can serve coffee and cookies. Or make them.

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