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Caption Contest: Week 2

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We’re on to week 2 of our Lost Art of Friendship caption contest!

Winning Caption:
“Coming Summer of 2022… Fast and the Furious: The Prequel” -Andrea

“Walter and his chums passed many happy hours gallivanting about in his snappy Chrysler Etch-A-Sketch.” -Jon
“We would like to trade this in for a Tesla” -Diane

See all the photos & winning captions here!

7 thoughts on “Caption Contest: Week 2

  1. Elise says:

    For Photo # 2 Caption Contest:

    “I’m not asking for directions.” “You, will you ask for directions?” “Nope, not me, I’m not asking for directions…..”

  2. Jon says:

    Walter and his chums passed many happy hours gallivanting about in his snappy Chrysler Etch-A-Sketch.

  3. Diane says:

    We heard their was a recall on this car. Where is the Ford Plant?

    1. Elise says:

      This should win ! Verrrry funnny !!!

  4. Drew says:

    At first I thought we weren’t moving because the tire was flat…

  5. Diane says:

    We would like to trade this in for a Tesla.

  6. Andrea says:

    Coming Summer of 2022… Fast and the Furious: The Prequel

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– Barb, WH parent