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Christmas Lights Fundraiser

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Update: We exceeded our goal! Thank you so much for your generosity, and your support for our on-site partner organizations!

At Woodland Hills, we’ve been fortunate to welcome several wonderful organizations into our building. By supporting their work through sharing our space, these partnerships have extended the impact of our church and most importantly, helped expand God’s Kingdom!

This season during our Christmas Lights sermon series, we want to bless these ministries, who are already a light in communities – both near and far!

Our goal is to raise $40,000 to help them meet recent challenges they’re facing:

Coats for Congolese Refugees

Golgotha Grace Church is the Congolese congregation that meets at Woodland every Sunday afternoon in the North Commons. Many people in their community are recent refugees, and they need winter coats. We want to help make sure they stay warm during our Minnesota winter!

Teachers in the DRC

Voice in the Wilderness is a non-profit that has offices at our church, and part of their mission is to support humanitarian efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. For several years, they’ve been raising money to build a school in the DRC, and now they need help paying teachers who want to work there. Education will give young people the tools they need to fight poverty and injustice, and create a successful and developed community.

Teachers in our Building

Close to My Heart is the daycare that we host in our South classrooms during the week. They serve many low-income families, who get assistance with child care costs through the state. However, when children need to stay home sick, the daycare isn’t compensated. In recent months, there have been a number of illnesses at the daycare, and we’d like to help replace some of the income that was lost when kids needed to stay home.

Food and Supplies for Homeless Neighbors

Walking With a Purpose spends time building relationships with our chronically homeless neighbors in the St. Paul area, and distributes clothing, food and camping items. Woodland serves as their “home base” where they store supplies, and we’d like to help them purchase food and items they need, so that they can continue to serve our neighbors.

Tiny Home Sacred Settlement Costs

Settled opened the first sacred settlement of tiny homes this fall at Mosaic Christian Community in St. Paul! This has been a years-long dream come true, and we’re excited about our continued partnership with them to help address chronic homelessness. There were some unexpected costs associated with establishing the Mosaic settlement, and we’d like to help offset some of those through our fundraiser.

Please join us this season as we help these important partners continue to shine “Christmas Lights” and share the hope of Jesus in their communities!

Thank you for your generosity!

* Note: any excess funds collected will be used to support partner organizations serving our community. wh-bug

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