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Echo Journey Group Retreat

Join us for a retreat at Camp St. Croix! This will be a time for students who are already involved in a Journey Group to connect more and grow deeper in their faith.

Echo Testimony Night

Echo Testimony Night offers a space for select students and leaders to share their testimonies with Echo.

Event Series Echo


7th-12th graders, join us for our Echo service this Wednesday at Woodland Hills! 

Echo: Snow Tubing

Echo students! On this Friday, meet at Green Acres in Lake Elmo for an evening of snow tubing!

Event Series Echo


7th-12th graders, join us for our Echo service this Wednesday at Woodland Hills! 

Event Series Echo


7th-12th graders, join us for our Echo service this Wednesday at Woodland Hills! 

Event Series Echo


7th-12th graders, join us for our Echo service this Wednesday at Woodland Hills! 

Echo: Video Show

Echo's video show is when we show videos that students have made (comedy videos, music videos, showcasing a talent, etc.), hosted by an Echo celebrity, Scott Tanzee.

Event Series Echo


7th-12th graders, join us for our Echo service this Wednesday at Woodland Hills! 

Event Series Echo


7th-12th graders, join us for our Echo service this Wednesday at Woodland Hills! 

Event Series Echo


7th-12th graders, join us for our Echo service this Wednesday at Woodland Hills! 


"My almost-three-year-old asks every day if we can go to church. Thank you, Woodland Hills, and all the Heroes Gate volunteers for creating such a great environment for kids. My husband and I met at WH six years ago and now our son counts down the days until we get to go again. My heart could burst."

– Lindsey