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Family Hangout Pizza Party

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Heroes Gate isn’t just about the kiddos, it’s about the whole family. So, every other month, we connect parents and kids through Family Hangouts.

Mary Van Sickle, our Family and Connecting Pastor, says, “So many times people rush out the door when church is over. We are hoping to slow families down with an opportunity to have a snack while kids play with friends from church, and parents make connections with other parents who have kids the same age.”

When the weather is good, hangouts happen outside, like June’s day of water games. As Mary said, “Nothing makes kids want to stay after church like squirting Josh (a member of our Children’s staff) with a water gun.”

This month wasn’t quite water pistol weather, so we had a pizza party instead. Over 100 people came together to eat, meet new families, and make Thanksgiving cards for seniors in a local nursing home. As you can see from the photos below, seems like it was a pretty good time.

The next hangout will be a December 1st Advent event. Connect with Heroes Gate for more details!

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