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Finding Connection

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By Paige K Slighter

As we continue to seek community and stay safe in the current pandemic, Gathering Groups are a great way to engage weekly with others from our church. Individuals from all over the world are finding comfort through our virtual sermon discussions and discovering new ways to live in God’s love.

We currently have participants from across the globe including nine different countries and twenty-six states within the US.

Here’s what group members are saying:

  •  I am loving the connection with people around the globe and that we are all growing together toward an understanding of a Jesus looking God!
  • I really enjoy being part of Gathering Groups. There is a ton of stuff I could say, but freeing would be one of the largest benefits.
  • I’m grateful that WH has started offering these groups to podrishioners! It’s great to be able to connect with others who have been tuning in and discussing what we’re hearing and learning.
  • I’m so excited to join the group! It’s the first time in almost twelve years of WH podcasting, I get to participate in a direct way and I’m so appreciative!
  • The Gathering Group discussions have helped me incorporate the sermons into my life.

Jennifer, a podrishioner from China who just joined Gathering Groups, loves the opportunity for a chance to have “normal conversation.” She’s currently a COVID refugee stuck in Hong Kong for over three months waiting for permission to go home. Being under lockdown with China’s borders closed, she’s really missed meaningful connection and as she puts it, “simply being accepted.” Gathering Groups have been a special time for her. She said, “After a long time looking, I have found much needed connection.” Our prayers are with Jennifer, as she continues to wait. We’re so glad she’s part of our community.

We’re so grateful we can still meet together as a body online, no matter the distance. We continue to pray that our virtual meetings will be an encouragement to everyone involved. If you’d like to join a Gathering Group contact Shawna at sboren@whchurch.org or find more information here.

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"I was incredibly blessed by everyone who came out to the clean-up event to serve neighborhood seniors. It literally brought me to tears knowing that there are amazing people out there restoring my hope in what it means to love and serve each other."

– Merrick Community Services staff member