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COVID Updates

April/May 2021 Update:

We’re back! As of Sunday, May 2, we have resumed in-person services each Sunday at 10am. Heroes Gate will also be open again, so if you plan on bringing your kiddos, please hold a spot for them here.

Of course things are going to look pretty different, and we’ll all need to work together, so we’ve created a plan to help you know what to expect and what you can do to help.

Details for in-person services can be found here!

March 2021 Update

Before the sermon on March 21, Greg gave us a brief recap on our recent decisions regarding reopening thus far and why, and the moment we’ve all been waiting for: what the current plan is for when we’ll be back together again, in-person!

As of May 2, we are resuming in-person services – more info can be found here! We’ll also be streaming our services live each Sunday at 10am. Information on how to participate in that can be found here.
We hope you’ll join us – either in-person or online!

Some ministries are also gathering for in-person events with proper government-recommended safety precautions in place. All up-to-date ministry information can be found on each of our ministry pages, and any events can be found on our calendar!

Connect By Age

Heroes Gate

Echo (7th-12th grade)

Vessels (Ages 18-20s)

65+ Group

Find Support


Lay Counseling


Refuge Support Groups

Day Care

Food Shelf

Groups & Learning

Cultivate Classes (Classes are currently closed)

Gathering Groups (Sermon Discussion)

Men’s Bible Study



"Thank you to everyone who serves in the prayer ministry. I have been deeply blessed by the time spent in prayer with TRIO."

– Megan, from Texas