Watch or download videos from our Discover the Kingdom course using the links below. You may also download the course booklet.
Download tips at the bottom of the page.
Week 1: Getting the Story Straight
Week 2: The Story of Love and War
Week 3: The God Who IS Love
Week 4: It’s All About Love
Week 5: The War on Love 1: The Three Battlegrounds
Week 6: The War on Love 2: What is Sin?
Week 7: The Cross and the Covenant: Why Jesus had to Die
Week 8: “Saved”: Salvation in 3 Tenses
Week 9: The God Within: The Holy Spirit
Week 10: Believers or Bond-Slaves: What is a Christian?
Week 11: The Purpose of Church: Maturity and Mission
Week 12: Missional Discipleship: Growing and Going
Week 13:
To download one of the videos above:
After clicking the Download Video link, the video will show up. Click the “download” arrow at the bottom right (just below the video), and choose a size.
The file will likely go to your “Downloads” folder automatically, or it might ask you to choose where you’d like to save it. Once download is complete, double-click on the file and it should open as long as you have the necessary software on your computer.