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HG Preschool

Helping 3-5 year old children learn about God’s amazing story in a way that not only makes sense, but is fun and engaging as well!

Throughout the school year, you can watch our weekly videos below!

Previous 2024-2025 weekly videos:

Week 22 (Feb 2) – Who Is the Greatest?
Week 21 (Jan 26) – Jesus Sends out the 12
Week 20 (Jan 19) – Pool of Bethesda
Week 19 (Jan 12) – Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man
Week 18 (Jan 5) – Jesus Changes Water into Wine
Week 17 (Dec 29) – Jesus Rejected at Nazareth
Week 16 (Dec 22) – The Birth of Jesus
Week 15 (Dec 15) – Mary and Elizabeth
Week 14 (Dec 8) – Birth of John the Baptist
Week 13 (Dec 1) – Jonah
Week 12 (Nov 24) – Daniel and the Lion’s Den
Week 11 (Nov 17) – Jeremiah
Week 10 (Nov 10) – Naaman and Elisha
Week 9 (Nov 3) – Solomon asks for Wisdom
Week 8 (Oct 27) – David and Mephibosheth
Week 7 (Oct 20) – The Call of Samuel
Week 6 (Oct 13) – Exploring Canaan
Week 5 (Oct 6) – Moses and The Exodus
Week 4 (Sept 29) – Joseph
Week 3 (Sept 22) – Jacob and Esau
Week 2 (Sept 15) – Tower of Babel
Week 1 (Sept 8) – Creation

Previous Story Fort videos:

A playlist of Fall 2023- Summer 2024 Early Childhood videos can be found here.
A playlist of Fall 2022-Summer 2023 Early Childhood videos can be found here.


"My counselor zeroed in on the root causes of my anxiety, explaining the mechanisms of why I was feeling the way I was, and what to do about it. She was very loving and compassionate and approached my situation with a technical mindset as well. A very rare combination."

– Lay Counseling participant