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Goal 2

Close to My Heart is the non-profit daycare that has been one of our on-site partner organizations at Woodland since 2012. They provide an inspiring environment for all learners at an affordable cost for families in the community, and we’re happy to have so many of our classrooms used during the week! ($23,000)


Even though Close to My Heart is an affordable child care option, some families still have a hard time with the cost. For that reason, the daycare has a scholarship program that lowers the cost of their services for families that need assistance.

We want to help support this scholarship fund and ensure that parents have a safe and enriching environment for their kids.

Classroom improvements

Ten of our classrooms are used by Close to My Heart during the week (in addition to our Children’s Ministry on weekends). Because of the heavy use of these rooms, the walls are in regular need of repair. For us, it means a lot of projects for our facility team, and for the daycare, damaged walls are a code violation.

We hope to cover the lower sections of these classroom walls with kid-friendly but durable material so they’re less prone to damage.

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"I was incredibly blessed by everyone who came out to the clean-up event to serve neighborhood seniors. It literally brought me to tears knowing that there are amazing people out there restoring my hope in what it means to love and serve each other."

– Merrick Community Services staff member