Our Summer Get-Together is coming up, August 9-11! Get all the details!

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Get Involved

Give to the Warm Welcome Campaign

We hope you’ll consider spending a little less on Christmas gifts this year, and instead help us make our church a warm and inviting place for visitors. It’s our hope that you’ll give in addition to your regular financial support of our church. Learn more about this campaign

Our goal: $72,000

(carpeting that Gathering Area is no joke!)

January 2 update: We made our goal!


Give Now*

* You’ll be taken to a giving platform called Seraphim to donate. Even if you already have an online giving account for Woodland, you’ll need to register as a new user. Eventually, though, all our online donations will be handled through Seraphim. So congratulations – you’re ahead of the curve!



"I have found, in you, a place where the preached word profoundly resonates with my own recent journey of faith and has cemented a new way of thinking, I suppose like jigsaw pieces falling into place. I am grateful that a friend pointed me in your direction."

– Elaine, from the United Kingdom