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Sustain FAQ

What if I already give, but not on a schedule?

There are thousands of people who make periodic contributions to our church each year, which we appreciate a great deal! If you’re one of them, we would love it if you created a donation schedule on our website. But keep in mind that only increased giving will go toward meeting our $3400 goal.

If I want to increase my giving, do I need to set up a new schedule if I already have one?

Either way is fine! You can just increase your current giving schedule if you’d prefer.

What if I’d rather give by check or cash?

Online giving is easy, and it streamlines some of the tasks for our Finance Team. However, if you’d prefer giving by check or cash, just stop in the Gathering Area starting October 22. We’ll have a Sustain Commitment Card you can fill out. Or, you can fill out a Commitment Card online here.

Can couples get two shirts?

Yes! If you and your spouse would both like a t-shirt, just fill out the shirt form twice. We’d love for you both to have one!

What if I need to cancel my donation schedule?

We assume that everyone who signs up will do so with the intention of making regular, ongoing contributions, but we realize that unexpected circumstances come up. You can change, pause or cancel your donation schedule at any time.

What if I just want to give a one-time gift?

We certainly appreciate every donation we receive! However, for this campaign, our goal is to increase our regular, ongoing offerings. So only contributions connected to a donation schedule will go toward meeting our goal for Sustain. (You might consider breaking your gift into smaller weekly contributions, however.)

If you have any questions, contact Jodi at jcremers@whchurch.org or 651-287-2043.

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"I have found, in you, a place where the preached word profoundly resonates with my own recent journey of faith and has cemented a new way of thinking, I suppose like jigsaw pieces falling into place. I am grateful that a friend pointed me in your direction."

– Elaine, from the United Kingdom