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Help Us Fight Child Hunger

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While we usually think of “missions” as being sent out to other countries, being “missional” simply means being sent out to serve people outside our church family who do not yet know Jesus, including those in our own neighborhoods.

Jesus showed us how to be missional beginning with “incarnation,” or being in relationship with people so that they could see and experience the love of God personally. One way we practice this at Woodland Hills is through our Sojourners Missional Communities, which each have their own shared missional focus.

We are creating a new Sojourners community to work with the nonprofit Every Meal to provide weekend meals for needy kids who attend nearby Frost Lake Elementary School. Every Meal delivers pre-packed food to schools, and church volunteer teams go into the schools every Friday morning to distribute meals for kids to bring home on the weekends.

Sojourners is looking for a group of people willing to be trained and activated to serve this need while also enjoying Kingdom community together!

For more info contact Kevin at kcallaghan@whchurch.org.

One thought on “Help Us Fight Child Hunger

  1. Bonnie says:

    Last week.s sermon “Lessons from the ER” was so heart-rending yet encouraging. Thank you Greg for using such personal and relational ways to share the gems of scripture with us. May you and Shelley be blessed beyond measure and may we as a church body share the precious truth of God’s deep love towards us!

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