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Heroes Gate Transitions

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Change is inevitable, or so they say.  For Heroes Gate, this is definitely true.  We work with kids, and they keep growing.  Each Sunday, they are a little bit older, taller, and grasping deeper concepts.

In Heroes Gate, change is coming, as well. We wanted to give you a heads up on all that is occurring in case your child may need time to process or prepare for the changes.  Some kids are able to flex with change, but every child enjoys the consistency found in a routine and being with adults they know.

Here are a few transitions and changes coming to Heroes Gate starting in June:

  1. Teresa’s last day is Sunday, May 27th. While not all parents may know who she is, just about every child in Kindergarten and older does.  She is their teacher and the creative force that brings the Bible alive each Sunday.
  2. Summer means shifts in room assignments:
    • Kindergarten to 5th (currently) are together in the bigger space that is normally used for 1st and 2nd graders as well as the Story Fort
    • 6th graders move up to youth (Echo) and no longer participate in Heroes Gate unless volunteering as a Student Helper
    • Club 56 takes a break for the summer.
  3. Summer means that our school year volunteers take a well-deserved break, as well. This means that we recruit people to help us cover each age group, so there will be new adults in your child’s room more often than not.
  4. Summer means more free time in HG. Elementary kids will have time to play inside and outside on the playground on Sunday mornings.
  5. We plan to hire new staff to take over Teresa’s roles in elementary and early childhood, so there will be some new teachers in your child’s life, as well.
  6. August 26 is Move Up Sunday, which means kids will move to the next age or grade level. (All summer they will remain in their school year age or grade group).

Whew! That’s a lot of change! There are a lot of great things happening this summer.  Your kids will have fun, learn Biblical truths, and continue to connect with loving volunteers.  There will be some new faces, which means new energy, enthusiasm, and skill sets.

We hope your children will always feel that Heroes Gate is a place where they are welcome, a place where they belong, and a place where they can grow spiritually and relationally.

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"So many thanks for your wonderful messages and all you give to the world around you. I'm retired in Ecuador with no churches so really appreciate your online presence. So many Christians discourage questions, so this is refreshing, as are the Q&A sessions."

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