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How To Be Salt & Light

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By Paige K Slighter

As God’s Kingdom people, we are called to be salt & light.

Every day we are offered unique opportunities to dispel darkness and illuminate hope in our homes, schools, workplaces, friend groups and communities.

But, what exactly does that look like?

Pause for Peace

We often overload our days with activity, busy-ness and stress, forgetting to ground ourselves in Christ. We won’t set a good example for others if we’re not cultivating peace in our own lives first. Being salt & light means slowing down and taking time to prepare our hearts through studying God’s word, through worship and prayer. The more we cultivate our relationship with God, the more effective we will be.

  • Take 10 minutes out of each morning to pause for peace.

Be Present

It’s easy to get distracted with our own personal agendas and become self-serving. Being salt & light means reflecting to others the love and attention God has shown us. Taking the time to listen and understand someone else opens the door for the Holy Spirit to minister. When we are fully present, we can create powerful and meaningful connections. In the end, we are all blessed.

  • Ask God to reveal to you one person you can be present with this week. Whether it’s a phone call, sending a thoughtful letter or spending time with your family.

Be Different

Being salt & light means not getting wrapped up in the culture of this world. Instead of blending in, we should stand out. Our identity in Christ makes us distinct. We can only be flavorful if we have something else to offer. And we can only bring light if we have charged our battery from the true source. As we follow in Jesus’ footsteps and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, we can impact the world.

  • Think about the messages the world is communicating: fear, anxiety, despair.
  • Open your heart to what Jesus offers: comfort, joy, hope. Meditate on these things.
  • Practice gratitude and positivity. It’s common for the rest of the world to be pessimistic.
  • Instead of complaining when difficult situations arise, ask God to give you a different perspective.

As we head into this holiday season, be flavorful and shine your light. It will make all the difference!

2 thoughts on “How To Be Salt & Light

  1. Bonnie says:

    These are wonderful practical suggestions! I am grateful that you have found a way to inspire us to not grow weary of well doing, even though we can’t meet face to face yet.

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Bonnie, so glad you found the suggestions helpful.
      – Paige from the Communications Team

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