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Below is a list of resources on our web site related this ministry. Feel free to use the filter checkboxes to narrow your search and easily find what you are looking for.

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WH Women

We believe God has something in store for the women of Woodland Hills. On Friday, February 23rd we are hosting a different kind of women’s event, WH Women: Kingdom Connections. The world gives us the perception that women just don’t get along. This event desires to break down those walls and provide an open space for WH women to encourage … Read More 


Sojourners Missional Communities

Sojourners Missional Communities are one way that Woodland Hills is seeking to help our people to “Be the Church” – to actively be God’s Image-Bearers to each other and to those who are not yet followers of Jesus. Being God’s Image-Bearers – the fundamental job of the church We are told that God created and commissioned humanity to be his image-bearers … Read More 


Gathering Groups

In Gathering Groups, you can engage the weekly Kingdom message of Woodland Hills, discover new ways to live in God’s love, and do it with the world wide Woodland community. Read More 



Adoptive Families of Woodland Hills is our connecting group made up of families who have adopted or are considering adopting. They primarily interact through a Facebook page, offering support, love, and encouragement to each other along their families’ journeys and meeting occasionally for events. For more information, please visit the group’s Facebook page.


Arts Group

Artists of all levels and kinds are welcome to join the Woodland Hills Arts Group. This volunteer-led group seeks to explore how our creative expressions and perspectives as artists integrate with faith and advance God’s Kingdom. Whether you’re a creator, an admirer, or are just plain interested in learning more about art and faith, please take a minute to fill out … Read More 


Get Involved

AGE SPECIFIC Kids 7th-12th Grade Young Adults BY INTEREST AREA Adoption Arts Group Men’s Bible Study Missions LEARN Classes Gathering Groups (sermon discussion) MuseCast (sermon chat) Discipleship School Spiritual Practices Group Race & Peace Learning Resources MONDAYS TOGETHER MISSIONAL COMMUNITIES MEMBERSHIP VOLUNTEER! ON-SITE PARTNERSHIPS ORDER A T-SHIRT [child-pages]


Newcomers Class

Woodland Hills is a unique church and we’re proud of that! Since we began in 1992, God has led us on a unique journey that has defined who we are, and our mission as a church body. About every other month, we hold an informal class during our 11:00 service for newcomers called Discover Woodland Hills. We’ll give you a … Read More 

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"I've been a WH podrishioner for several years now and I can't tell you how much it has changed my life. I came across these podcasts at a time when I was in an extremely unhealthy/abusive situation, and these teachings were immensely influential to me maintaining my faith and sanity. THANK YOU for showing me what a Jesus-looking God is like and what it means to follow Him. Many, many blessings to all of you!"

– Christina, from Oregon