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Welcoming the ‘Other’

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In our “Dear Church” series, we’ve listened in on what the Spirit had to say to the seven churches in Asia Minor and now we’re listening to what the Spirit might be saying to our church. In week one, we talked about taking steps toward rekindling our love. (If you’re catching up, you can learn more here.)

For our week two theme, Greg shared about Welcoming the “Other” and gave us an exercise to put what we hear into practice:

  1.  Think and pray about what it might mean for you to make space for the ‘other’ in your life.
  2.  Ask yourself what baby steps you can take to move towards the hospitality in which the Spirit is calling you to.
  3. Write it down or put a reminder in your phone.
  4. Send us a text (651-321-3130) or short email (info@whchurch.org) to let us know what your goal is. You’ll remain anonymous, but by sharing some of the things people are doing, we hope to spur one another on!
  5. Share your goal with a friend to help encourage you.

Together, we want to grow and respond to how we believe Jesus is encouraging us to draw closer to him and others. Thanks for joining us!

How you responded

We asked you to let us know your goal, so as to encourage one another. Here are a few of the responses we received from week two:

  • This week, I’ll buy a hamburger, fries, and a drink and give to a homeless person that I see frequently on the streets who is asking for money.
  • We have some new elderly neighbors. The husband is in a long recovery and it’s difficult for them to leave the house. My baby step is to visit them every other week for a couple hours.
  • Inviting all my coworkers to hang out instead of just my select work friends.
  • Stick around after church and find people to meet and connect with.
  • Call family members that live alone at least monthly.
  • As an introvert, it’s scary to me to engage with strangers for anything other than business. So my first baby step is to establish a rhythm of friendliness, taking the initiative to smile and greet my neighbors, especially the new family across the street.

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"We have been podrishioners for several months. Our daughter, son-in-law and grandkids moved back to California after living in MN for 10 years. They attended Woodland Hills for about a year before they moved. Now we all go to the beach together on Thursdays, come home and have dinner together, then we watch last Sunday’s sermon together. It is a special day for our family."

– Dale and Patricia, from California