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We try to share God’s love through missionaries we help support, and by sending people on trips to other parts of the world.

Below is a list of resources on our web site related this ministry. Feel free to use the filter checkboxes to narrow your search and easily find what you are looking for.

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Welcome Ryan!

Ryan Nielsen has recently joined our staff to play a dual role in Missions and Facilities! In his own words, Ryan loves to “help people and fix things,” so he’s excited about his new role. On the missions end, he looks forward to being an advocate and a sounding board for local and global missionaries WH helps support. As co-facilities director, he looks forward to helping take good care of the amazing building we share. Read More 

West Viriginia Missions Trip Recap

This summer, twenty Echo students signed up to see and reveal Jesus among the rural poor of Appalachia. The group spent a week in West Virginia working alongside Mustard Seeds and Mountains, a Christian community development organization that has been building relationships in hill communities left behind by the modernization of the coal mining industry. Some of the highlights students … Read More 

Jesus Kitchen

by Julie Thoreen A kitchen is a focal point for community. A place for gathering and participating and sharing. A reason to unite. The Jesus Kitchen started in 1995. It serves meals and builds relationship with the hundreds and thousands of people, many of them traveling homeless, who attend regional and national Rainbow Gatherings. Growing out of the love movement … Read More 

Cambodia Missions Trip Recap

Medical mission teams from our church have been doing incredible Kingdom work in Cambodia for about 17 years now. For two weeks a year, they set-up and serve in pop-up clinics in rural parts of the country, often seeing people who don’t have easy access to health care non-stop from 8:30am to 5:00pm. To give you some perspective, this year, … Read More 

Cambodia Medical Missions Trip

Woodland Hills is sending another medical team to Cambodia! From January 5-21, the team will be working in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap giving physical exams to children and hosting clinics at various churches and villages. Thank you to the Woodland Hills congregation for your generous past and present support. The team would appreciate your prayers before, during, and after … Read More 

AWOL 2017 Mexico Trip

From April 21 to May 1, a team of 6 men from Woodland travelled to Vera Cruz, Mexico for the AWOL mission trip. Below is a recap of the trip based on the reflections of the team that went on the trip. Men from Woodland Hills have been serving on the AWOL (A Work Of Love) mission teams to Vera … Read More 

Mexico Mission Trip

From April 1 to 10, a team of 17 Woodland Hills adults and students travelled to Puebla, Mexico to server at the Esperanza Viva children’s home. Below is a recap of the trip based on the reflections of the parents and youth that went on the trip. We set off for Esperanza Viva on April 1. We had been anticipating … Read More 



SUPPORTED MISSIONARIES Woodland Hills supports a number of career missionaries who are sent out by missions organizations. These missionaries work within the U.S. and around the world, and are involved in a variety of Kingdom-giving missions such as Bible translating, disciple-making, evangelism, caregiving to orphaned and/or homeless youth and young adults, at-risk counseling, information technology, and community development. U.S. Missionaries  … Read More 

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"Woodland Hills family, thank you so much for everything you all do. My life is blessed by your teaching and technology. I know there are so many behind the scenes people. "

– Denise