In our “Dear Church” series, we’ve listened in on what the Spirit had to say to the seven churches in Asia Minor and now we’re listening to what the Spirit might be saying to our church. If you’re catching up, you can learn more starting with our week 1 theme here.
For our week three theme, Greg shared about Resisting the Powers and gave us an exercise to put what we hear into practice:
- Think and pray about an area in your life that the Enemy may have power over, that you should be resisting.
- Ask the Spirit and yourself: What is one baby step you can take in resisting that power?
- Write it down or put a reminder in your phone.
- Send us a text (651-321-3130) or short email ( to let us know what your goal is. You’ll remain anonymous, but we inspire one another by sharing some of the things we are doing.
- Share your goal with someone you trust to help encourage you!
Together, we want to grow and respond to how we believe Jesus is encouraging us to draw closer to him and others. Thanks for joining us in these exercises and for inspiring one another!
How you responded
We asked you to let us know an action step you’re taking to resist the Powers. Here are a few of the responses we received from week three:
- Invest radically in the ones in front of me; not fear their rejection of the gospel I carry, but boldly offer what the world cannot give.
- Stop having toxic conversations at work.
- Resist pornography and urge to be alone.
- I am too judgemental on those I do not understand or agree with. I commit to having accountability and prayer around this area.
- Resist the urge to desire more financial stability, discretionary income. Sit down with spouse and evaluate giving. Challenge each other to be more generous.
- I need to resist the fear of fellowshipping with other believers, because I think I’m too old, and because of deficits from a stroke. I need to stop listening to the enemy, because this lie is causing me to miss out on so much!