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• Greg Boyd

In this sermon, Greg calls the church to pay attention to the reality of spiritual warfare that pervades our world, and then he follows this with direction on the necessity and the ways to resist the powers that war against God’s kingdom. wh-bug

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Topics: Hope, Kingdom of God, Spiritual Warfare

Sermon Series: Dear Church

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6 thoughts on “Attention!

  1. Matthew says:

    I am so glad that for all the intellectual work WHC engages in, it has not forgotten the power and reality of the spiritual realm. Thanks for this.

  2. Jerry says:

    Yes, yes thanks for this

    – adding from a prior sermon from Greg——————
    “We have only one command, love God first and love our neighbors as ourselves.

    These are our marching orders and our enemy is clear: it is the kingdom of Darkness and its ruler, not any other human being or human organization (Democrats, Republicans, gay rights activists, CEOs, abortion doctors, protesters, etc.).

    When we do this, we will be dying for our enemies, not rejoicing over their destruction at our hands. Our unique authority and power as Christians is not our right to vote, but our right, [NO] our obedience to God’s command that we suffer for righteousness sake, that we love sacrificially and serve our enemies for the sake of winning them to Christ.

    The test is clear when we COULD pick up the sword, will we choose the cross”?

    Will we allow our flesh-driven left hemisphere to pounce or will be led by the spirit, stemming from our right; choosing to crucify the flesh, Greg’s “omniscience mechanism”, and instead walk lovingly alongside folks?

    1. Jerry says:

      Adding to my last comment: Sermon “Attention” – our marching orders – when we COULD pick up the sword, will we choose instead to walk alongside people in their pain and struggle and point them to the hope of Jesus Christ a few things I’ve gleaned from Iain and Rupert:

      From the fruit of the Spirit: [kindness] is an equal balance of [grace and truth].

      Humble kindness, in the absence of truth, is just condoning, (allowing behavior considered morally wrong or offensive), so you become a doormat to be walked on – self [cruelty].

      Truth in the absence of grace is elevating to condemn – [cruelty] to others.

      Jesus separated us from our sins and invited us to follow hating the sin but loving the sinner; separating people from what they have done.

      True Kindness is anchored in, peace and joy, faith, and hope in God. Romans 5:2

      The brain’s left hemisphere, subconscious habits complicated but linear straight forward – instructions upfront, is designed to help us apprehend and thus manipulate the world – while right hemisphere, consciousness containers of possibilities in imaginations – complex with cascading reentrant loops, is to help us comprehend the world and thus see it for what it is – a transcendent top-down divine teleology origin outside emergent bottom-up reductionist spontaneously generated closed systems – the universe as animism, with organisms, not an algorithmic machine.

      We have depended on that aspect of our brain that is most adept at manipulating the world, at bending it to our purposes, coercing it to an extent unimaginable, even a few generations ago, while at the same time wreaking havoc precisely because we have not pursued a proportional amount of consciousness wisdom to understand it.

      Neurotransmitters – peace and joy chemicals
      • Endorphins – deal with stress and reduce feelings of pain
      • Serotonin – mood stabilizer for well-being, happiness
      • Dopamine – pleasure, a motivational role in the brain’s reward system
      • Oxytocin – bonding, [Love and trust]

      The neurobiological alterations of cortisol and norepinephrine, in PTSD Trauma, cause chronic low-level anxiety deteriorating body and mind. At extremes a hyper overdrive left hemisphere, externalization of anomalously manifest internal conversations, that has drowned out/lost touch with its right functional reality – schizophrenia.

      We are the most physically, more stuff, [left] hemisphere connected and yet spiritually [right] hemisphere isolated people who have ever walked the planet – a schizophrenic culture.

      This is a spiritual, [living water lack of flow NOT physical H2O – woman at the well], crisis, [a lack of the grace and truth balance that Jesus demonstrated with this woman], destroying both body and soul when Greg’s – ‘Crystal Sea – already not yet paradox’, five husbands so far in this case, is lacking [faith and hope].

      When you lighten your load, Psalms 55:22 “Cast your burdens on the Lord and he will sustain you”, interpreting your [fragmented traumatic pieces] through the [whole lens of God’s purpose] you will begin to find healing; a strengthening of your [faith and hope]. Romans 8:28

      The recent unite conference 2024 speaker Brian Zahnd’s quote: “From eternity, God has brought spiritual creatures into existence in the only way such creatures could be formed: by calling them to ascend out of the darkness” stems from a David Bentley Hart book, “You Are Gods”, as does Iain’s thoughts, “All of the energy and matter we have in the universe right now is the same amount of energy and matter that has been here since the Big Bang just going through cycles of death and renewal,” stem from conversations with his friend David.

      A Conversation between Iain McGilchrist and David Bentley Hart:


      Iain McGilchrist, Rupert Sheldrake, and Alex Gomez-Marin in conversation


      Theology, Art, and the Whole Brain: A Conversation with Dr. Jeremy Begbie and Dr. Iain McGilchrist

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-nc3IyiafE – at 15 min in; a cell as complex with cascading reentrant loops

    2. Jerry says:

      Adding to my last comment: Sermon “Attention” – our marching orders – when we COULD pick up the sword, will we choose instead to walk alongside people in their pain and struggle and point them to the hope of Jesus Christ – a few things I’ve gleaned from Iain and Rupert:

      From the fruit of the Spirit: [kindness] is an equal balance of [grace and truth].

      Humble kindness, in the absence of truth, is just condoning, (allowing behavior
      considered morally wrong or offensive), so you become a doormat to be walked on – self [cruelty].

      Truth in the absence of grace is elevating to condemn – [cruelty] to others.

      Jesus separated us from our sins and invited us to follow hating the sin but loving the sinner; separating people from what they have done.

      True Kindness is anchored in, peace and joy, faith and hope in God. Romans 5:2

      The brain’s left hemisphere, subconscious habits complicated but linear straight forward – instructions upfront, is designed to help us apprehend and thus manipulate the world – while the right hemisphere, consciousness containers of possibilities in imaginations – complex with cascading reentrant loops, is to help us comprehend the world and thus see it for what it is – a transcendent top-down divine teleology origin outside emergent bottom-up reductionist spontaneously generated closed systems – the universe as animism, with
      organisms, not an algorithmic machine.

      We have depended on that aspect of our brain that is most adept at manipulating the world, at bending it to our purposes, coercing it to an extent unimaginable, even a few generations ago, while at the same time wreaking havoc precisely because we have not pursued a proportional amount of consciousness wisdom to understand it.

      Neurotransmitters – peace and joy chemicals
      • Endorphins – deal with stress and reduce feelings of pain
      • Serotonin – mood stabilizer for well-being, happiness
      • Dopamine – pleasure, a motivational role in the brain’s reward system
      • Oxytocin – bonding, [Love and trust]

      The neurobiological alterations of cortisol and norepinephrine, in PTSD Trauma, cause chronic low-level anxiety deteriorating body and mind. At extremes a hyper overdrive left hemisphere, externalization of anomalously manifest internal conversations, that has drowned and lost touch with its right functional reality, schizophrenia.

      We are the most physically, more stuff, [left] hemisphere connected and yet spiritually [right] hemisphere isolated people who have ever walked the planet – a schizophrenic culture.

      This is a spiritual, [living water lack of flow NOT physical H2O – woman at the well], crisis, [a lack of the grace and truth balance that Jesus demonstrated with this woman], destroying both body and soul when Greg’s – ‘Crystal Sea – already not yet paradox’, five husbands so far in this case, is lacking [faith and hope].
      When you lighten your load, Psalms 55:22 “Cast your burdens on the Lord and he will sustain you”, interpreting your [fragmented traumatic pieces] through the [whole lens of God’s purpose] you will begin to find healing; a strengthening of your [faith and hope]. Romans 8:28

      The recent unite conference 2024 speaker Brian Zahnd’s quote: “From eternity, God has brought spiritual creatures into existence in the only way such creatures could be formed: by calling them to ascend out of the darkness” stems from a David Bentley Hart book, “You Are Gods”, as does Iain’s thoughts, “All of the energy and matter we have in the universe right now is the same amount of energy and matter that has been here since the Big Bang just going through cycles of death and renewal,” stem from conversations with his friend David.

      You can search YouTube for the three conversations below

      A Conversation between Iain McGilchrist and David Bentley Hart:

      Iain McGilchrist, Rupert Sheldrake and Alex Gomez-Marin in conversation

      Theology, Art, and the Whole Brain: A Conversation with Dr. Jeremy Begbie and Dr. Iain McGilchrist
      – 15 min in; a cell as complex with cascading reentrant loops

  3. Patty says:

    Paying attention” to the reality of spiritual warfare that pervades our world + resisting the powers that war against God’s kingdom” has to be fundamental in my kingdom outlook and practice. Thank you WHC
    (Greg Boyd ) for this continual reminder and to love like Jesus ❣️

  4. Patty says:

    Paying attention” to the reality of spiritual warfare that pervades our world + resisting the powers that war against God’s kingdom” has to be fundamental in my kingdom outlook and practice. Thank you WHC
    (Greg Boyd ) for this continual reminder and to love like Jesus ❣️

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