We attended WHC for 10 years before going back to the mission field–Belize. (WHC supported us financially while we were ministering in Belize.) Then, God moved us to Ava, MO where we live and minister. Oldest daughter, Rachel attened the Christmas Eve service and her report, “Greg Boyd is still a good preacher.” She hadn’t been at WHC since the memorial service for her brother, Daniel, October 2015. Thank you, Woodland Hills for preaching and teaching the Gospel message faithfully! We love you.
We attended WHC for 10 years before going back to the mission field–Belize. (WHC supported us financially while we were ministering in Belize.) Then, God moved us to Ava, MO where we live and minister. Oldest daughter, Rachel attened the Christmas Eve service and her report, “Greg Boyd is still a good preacher.” She hadn’t been at WHC since the memorial service for her brother, Daniel, October 2015. Thank you, Woodland Hills for preaching and teaching the Gospel message faithfully! We love you.