As disciples of Jesus, we are to spend time with, know, and reflect Jesus and his life. Yet, we oftentimes replace Jesus with things of this world. In this sermon, Mark Moore tells us about waiting at the feet of Jesus. 
In Matthew 11, Jesus invites people that are weary to come to him for rest. In Jesus’ time, he was speaking to the Israelites. The Israelites were conquered by many different kingdoms, and the Romans were the present day conquerors. The Israelites were burdened and weary of all that they have done. In addition, Jesus was speaking to his new believers who would need to come to Jesus often in order to find rest.
The work of the Church should reflect the gentleness and humility of Jesus. However, the Church has often abdicated this in favor of things of this world. It tends to follow the rules and systems of measurements that corporations use when it should be at the feet of Jesus, measuring its success by His standards. The church spends much of it’s time running around trying to be a church instead of disciples at the feet of Jesus.
The Church has also taken a cue from political discourse. Instead of humbly and gently representing the Kingdom, the Church makes beliefs something that all society must adopt. And, the Church can begin to demean and degrade those who don’t think the same way. This sounds more like politics and less like Jesus the more we walk down that road.
The language of repentance is important for us to truly come to Jesus. In Minnesota, we like to ice fish. This requires going out onto a frozen lake, drilling a hole in the ice, and fishing while freezing. But it provides a great way to understand repentance. A person can decide to go ice fishing, and it seems like a great idea. So, they begin to walk on the ice. However, when the ice begins to crack, the person has a choice. They can choose to confess that going ice fishing at this time was a bad idea, and they can turn around and head back to safety. Or, they can confess the ice is not too sturdy, continue on, and fall through. Repentance is very similar, in that it requires us to confess something that is wrong in our own life, turn around, and do the opposite of that wrong.
It’s interesting how the church can sometimes mess up the idea of Jesus among us. Imagine for a minute that Jesus walks through the door into the church that you attend. Some people would cower in fear because they want Jesus to talk to them about their life. Some might continue to give Jesus tips on how to better his ministry. Yet, Jesus would be genuinely interested people and giving them rest. Jesus is great for all people, even if people don’t get it right.
At no other place should we go to be the Church than at the feet of Jesus. We should quit looking like everything of this world, and instead draw our cue from Jesus and be something unique and God-given to this world. When the Church spends time being with Jesus, learning from Jesus and acting like Jesus, it fulfills its God-given mission to this world. Only at the feet of Jesus do we find the rest of being what God made us to be.
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Wow! That Guy was Seriously on Fire for the Lord! Very Impressive!!!! At 28 minutes in, he stars rattling off these amazing “occupational analogies”. He states –
“Jesus is Everything for Everybody!
If you’re an Astronomer, He’s the Bright Morning Star,
If you’re a Baker, He’s the Bread come down from Heaven….
I thought I’d try a few myself but there not nearly as good of course….
If you’re an Architect, He’s The Chief Corner Stone – I Pet 2:6-8
If you’re a Pacifist, He’s the Prince of Peace – Is. 9:6
If you’re a Photographer, He’s the Image of the Invisible God – Col 1:15
If you’re an Historian, He’s the Ancient of Days – Dan 7:9
If you’re an Artist, He’s the Creator – Jon 1:3
If you’re a Tree Trimmer, He’s the Branch – Is 9:6
If you’re a Steward, He’s the Lord of Hosts – Ps 46:7
If you’re an Author, He’s the Word of Life – Jon 1:1-18
If you’re a Postman, well then, He’s the Deliverer – Jon 8:36 – Ha!
I’m a media missionary of sorts over here in Spain. I attend two churches. Hogar Christiano, a small congregation near my pueblito, and Woodland Hills (I’m one of those podrishoners…)
This sermon, Church At the Feet of Jesus, hit me hard. I listened to it twice back to back. I texted some quotes…
I’ve been looking for some Living Water lately. We’ve been running ragged on empty tanks, trying to be it all with an awesome haircut. We’re weary, and many of my co-workers have crashed and burned…
The second time I listened to this sermon, I was walking up a narrow street to our building, having just gotten some bread from the little store. The sun up here HAMMERS in the afternoon, but I felt a cool, refreshing spiritual breeze!
I’m going to share this sermon. Many times I have played one of Greg’s sermons for Wednesday morning devos…
Earlier in the year Greg spoke of the value of connecting Woodland Hills to a historic part of the Body of Christ – an Anabaptist connection – a historic trip so as to promote a testimony until His Kingdom is complete. The introduction to Mark Moore had a new message within it. Greg spoke of people looking for leadership for the movement – creating something new. Creating something new is very American – and minimally biblical. I hope the church will re-explore the advantages of seeking unity with the Mennonites or the Brethren in Christ. Personally, we connected with the Mennonite church in Colorado Springs. I think the changing Anabaptist/Mennonite church would welcome the new vitality and passion of WH Church.
I loved the message. We (individually and collectively) need to stay right at His feet and commit to pursuing of Lord, Jesus.
A watered down gospel is no gospel at all.
“While they were traveling, He entered a village, and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who also sat at the Lord’s feet and was listening to what He said. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks, and she came up and asked, “Lord, don’t You care that my sister has left me to serve alone? So tell her to give me a hand.”
The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Lk 10:38-42)
Now Jesus loved Martha, her sister, and Lazarus. So when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was. Then after that, He said to the disciples, “Let’s go to Judea again.” (Jn 11:5-7)………..“When Mary came to where Jesus was and saw Him, she fell at His feet and told Him, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died!” (Jn 11:32)…………..Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus was, the one Jesus had raised from the dead. So they gave a dinner for Him there; Martha was serving them, and Lazarus was one of those reclining at the table with Him. Then Mary took a pound of fragrant oil—pure and expensive nard—anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped His feet with her hair. So the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil…..(and Jesus said) “Leave her alone; she has kept it for the day of My burial.”(Jn 12 1-7)
We need preachers that will feed the flock. We need preachers that are totally on fire for our Father. They are far and few between! I need to be soaked with the presence of the Lord! Many Churches do not have the spirit of God in their churches… so sad! They will work you to death! Pray for all of them! May the Lord continue to bless your socks off! May His holy spirit fill every nook and cranny of our beings!
ps I wrote a book “Turning over a new leaf” Out of the closet into the light… check it out!?
Tongues of Fire fell on Brother Mark!
I am in Texas. Who is this man and where can I find him?
Hey Chris,
You can find Mark Moore’s blog here: and his twitter is @mooreamark.
This is one of the best messages I’ve heard all year, What clarity and accuracy describing who Jesus is. This is the Jesus i want and need. Great Message Mark.
Mark is really good. Greg’s, “God At War” did me in as well! ;o)
Greg, Bruxy Cavey, Jonathan Martin and even Jacques Ellul have propelled me along this new paradigm shift.
I am in Texas as well, Houston, to be exact, and we need more of this all over the place. I can envision a ReKnew revolution overtake the “Third Coast” one day soon. I am praying and believing towards that end!