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Mixtape: Colossians 3:1-14

• Seth McCoy

The upcoming Mixed Tape series will be a collection of scripture passages that have moved and inspired the body of Christ over the centuries. In this first message of the series, Seth takes a look at Colossians 3:1-14 and what it means to get our life from being hidden in Christ. We also take a look at our role of choosing to die to the old way of living and not letting it pollute our current reality. wh-bug

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Topics: Baptism, Forgiveness, Kingdom of God

Sermon Series: Mixtape

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2 thoughts on “Mixtape: Colossians 3:1-14

  1. Robert Woerter says:

    42 years ago I sold everything I had and forsook my drugs, my friends, even my family. My old life, to follow Jesus. eventually I got my family back, as they saw God’s love manifested in me. I have a brother who received a$250,000 inheritance, which he spent on drugs and things, I have 9 kids and didn’t receive anything because I had lost my mind following Jesus. When my brother wound up in rehab with nothing left of his 1/4 million $ he came to stay with us for awhile and gave his life to Jesus. He said I don’t know how you all can be so nice to me when I turned my back on you. For all of us it wasn’t even a hard thing to do because our life is hid with Christ in God. I’m not trying to say that I’m a saint, believe me I’m not, but I do love Jesus and for me that’s enough. As I often tell people the world doesn’t need more religion or churches, what the world needs is Jesus. Thanks Seth Those verses really touched my heart Love you guys

  2. Dave Pritchard says:

    Seth is a brilliant spiritual technician and gets right to the heart of the matter as always!

    The story retold though by one of his favorite teachers of the students a few years back being forgiven enormous amounts of debt before embarking to serve the Lord in impoverished areas, stirred up a bit of belated resentment and concern in my heart. $130,000 in debt forgiven upon graduation is an immensely beautiful thing for certain – Praise God! But if it was a “Christian” college, as the story would seem to imply – There’s something seriously wrong with this picture!

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